MLPD Is a Party of a New Type
MLPD - an All-German Party
MLPD and its youth organization Rebell are represented in more than 450 cities, towns and regions, and in Germany's new federal states, too. The MLPD is committed to the unity of workers in East and West Germany. The division into "Easterners" and "Westerners" is aimed at concealing the truth that the working people can improve their situation only if they are united.
After the Betrayal of Socialism, the MLPD Became a Necessity
The MLPD was established in
the Ruhr area in 1982. The founding of the Party was preceded by a 10-year period of its
preparatory building as Communist Workers' League of Germany (KABD). At the Twentieth
Party Congress of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union (CPSU) in 1956, socialism
was betrayed in the Soviet Union and the German Democratic Republic (GDR). A
petty-bourgeois bureaucracy degenerated into a bureaucratic-capitalist class of a new
type. After Mao Zedong passed away, socialism in China was also destroyed. Control over
the responsible leaders in the party, economy and state was not sufficient to avert this.
The once revolutionary Communist Party of Germany (KPD) followed the CPSU's disastrous
path. Thus, the German working class was deprived of its revolutionary vanguard. This made
it necessary to build up a revolutionary workers' Party of a new type.
The MLPD Applies Marxim-Leninism to the Present Conditions
of Class Struggle
Social developments have confirmed the MLPD's ideological-political line developed since 1969. The Party's line has developed in close connection with practice and has so far been established in 31 issues of the system embodied in the theoretical organ Revolutionärer Weg (Revolutionary Way). The issue of the mode of thinking, in its various aspects, runs through the organ like a read thread.
Members Set the Course
The ideological-political line is
decided by the members. Only local groups are entitled to submit motions to the delegates'
conferences. All members, on their own responsibility, creatively acquire and implement
the line. Every member involves himself/ herself actively in accordance with his/ her
abilities, fitness and family situation.
The members exercise control by means of criticism and self-criticism. Leading committees are accountable to the delegates' conferences. Only local groups may put up candidates for higher leading committees. Functionaries must do practical work. The members of the highest Party organs are evaluated twice a year by their respective Party cells. The independent Central Control Commission is accountable only to the Party Congress. It does control work over the Central Committee. In cases of infringement of democracy, any member can turn to the Central Control Commission.
The Party's system of self-control is based on a trusting, objective culture of debate. It serves to enhance the MLPD's unity and fighting fitness as well as to avoid mistakes.
MLPD Finances Itself
MLPD finances itself through monthly dues, regular campaigns for donations and project-related fund-raising campaigns. Auditing committees on all levels of leadership supervise the correct management of the finances. Full-time functionaries are paid an average blue-collar worker's wage at the maximum.
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