January 2012: MLPD Germany Interview with Stefan Engel: The Turbulences of the Imperialist World System Are Preparing the Ground for a Revolutionary World Crisis
Rote Fahne interview with Stefan Engel, Chairman of the MLPD, 4 January 2012
In September 2008 a worldwide economic and financial crisis broke out with the collapse
of the investment bank Lehman Brothers. Its course clearly differs compared with other
world economic crises after World War II. What is the reason for that?
We already made the forecast at the end of 2008 that regarding extent, intensity and
effect we will be concerned with the deepest world economic and financial crisis
experienced by capitalism until now. At first it seemed to turn out differently. A unique joint
international imperialist crisis management succeeded in preventing an uncontrolled
collapse of the world financial system and slowing down the slump of the world economy.
Above all, for the time being those in power could dampen the political upheavals which
usually accompany such economic crises.