March 25, 1999: NATO Bombing raids against the Peoples of Yugoslavia must be stopped immediately!
Organize now the protest against the first war mission of the German Federal Armed Forces after World War II, directed by the Schröder/Fischer government!
The Central Committee of the Marxist-Leninist Party of Germany condemns the bomb raids against the peoples of Yugoslavia, ordered by NATO secretary-general Solana in the night of March 23, 1999. The fact that this first war mission of the German Federal Armed Forces after World War II is being prepared just by the SPD / Green coalition government of all governments, which enjoys giving a "peaceful and internationalist" appearance, is a provocation of all peace-loving people. MLPD and its youth organization REBELL support actions of protest throughout Germany and call for active participation in this year's Easter marches.
In the night of Tuesday, NATO secretary-general ordered air strikes against large parts of Yugoslavia, which are expected to begin in the night of Wednesday. The Yugoslav government has already declared the state of emergency. 430 NATO planes are supposed to drop their deadly load over large parts of Yugoslavia, in blatant breach of international law. German Tornado fighters are supposed to be in the first flight. In the Mediterranean Sea, the 6th US fleet has moved up into position,
supported by French warships. 10,000 NATO troops have already been deployed in Macedonia for a possible development of the war into a ground war, almost one third of them being intervention troops of the German Federal Armed Forces. Deployment of more Germ an troops, up to a total of 6,000, and Leopard-2 tanks is in full swing.
While the Schröder/Fischer government claims to implement a "peace-making foreign policy", it is organizing the involvement of the German Federal Armed Forces in the aggression of NATO against the Yugoslav peoples. All political parties in Bonn except for PDS are in line with that. Despite all parliamentary mock battles, they are in total agreement on the principles of imperialist power politics. It fits into the picture of this anti-people course that DM 620 million have been earmarked to support the first phase of the air raids alone. The burden is to be borne by the people.
MLPD resolutely stands up for the right of all peoples to self-determination, in former Yugoslavia, too. It is, however, wrong to subordinate this cause to the NATO warmongers as done by the leadership of the UCK "liberation army" in Kosovo. The Imperialists are the worst trustees imaginable of the legitimate national and social concerns of the peoples. The peoples of former Yugoslavia can solve the problems in the Balkans only in the joint struggle against both their reactionary governments and any imperialistic interference whatsoever, not against each other. Only this is in the interest of the masses. There are numerous voices from former Yugoslavia that emphasize the common interests of the peoples.
NATO uses the right to self-determination of the Albanian minority just as a pretext to get ex-Yugoslavia and the entire Balkans under their control. The NATO plans do not provide for self-determination of the Kosovars but aim instead at establishing a NATO protectorate. It are the same politicians who trample on the right to self-determination of the Kurdish people and pretend now they were defending in Kosovo the national self-determination of the Albanian people. It are the same politicians who warn about a "humanitarian disaster" in Kosovo and support the military attacks in Turkey against Kurdish civilians by supplying weapons.
While MLPD condemns the imperialistic NATO aggression, it opposes also the Milosevic regime which oppresses the peoples of Serbia and the Kosovo. This is a reactionary, anti-people regime which calls itself "socialist" just for camouflage. In Serbia too, there have been over and over again strikes and struggles against the Milosevic government. Notwithstanding, the refusal of the government and parliament of Serbia to accept the deployment of NATO troops is legitimate. The NATO aggression will encounter the resistance from all peoples of former Yugoslavia, whose experience from the common antifascist and anti-imperialist struggle in World War II is still living.
Under the colors of "humanity and peace-keeping", the Federal Republic of Germany has systematically developed its military weight since the early nineties. This started with initial missions of the Federal Armed Forces in Cambodia and went on with the involvement in Somalia and today in Kosovo. Demagogically, Schröder, Fischer and Scharping are calling for "peace-keeping military action". In truth, however, the new NATO strategy is being implemented. In this regard, the "strategic concept" of the US government provides for ensuring throughout the world by military means the "defense of vital interests" and implementing so the aggressive claim for supremacy of the USA, based on their Western allies. For the US strategists, this includes specifically to "build up an extended security system along the (Russian) borders by which they can be kept in check" (FAZ, March 12, 99). This means playing with fire and a NATO war could not only set the Balkans on fire but develop into a world-wide blaze. Fearing for their imperialist influence in the Balkans, the Russian government, together with China, has already resolutely protested against the NATO preparations for war. In the run-up to a new world economic crises, the imperialist rivalry for spheres of influence and dominance intensifies as a result of fundamental laws. In the Kosovo, this means not least its great wealth of mineral resources.
MLPD calls for actions of protest and supports particularly this year's Easter marches which may become important peace demonstrations against the military action planned by the SPD / Green government. The protests are directed against a government that is rightly in a state of open political crisis. Their method of pretending that the crisis program of the monopolies and their imperialist power policy were in the interest of the workers' and people's movement has failed. In the wage rounds, but also in independent struggles in the companies, the blue and white collar workers have shown that they are not willing to show consideration for Mr. Schröder's "alliance for jobs, training and competitiveness" The bogus of the indefinitely put off "nuclear power phase out" is more and more understood and attacked by environmental activists. In the same way, the open policy of war of the government will meet with the rejection by the peace movement, despite all the hypocritical talk of peace.
Since the beginning of the armed conflicts in former Yugoslavia, MLPD has stood up for genuine peace among peoples in the Balkans. Such peace must take account of the legitimate national and social interests of the masses and rules out imperialistic military action as well as the imposition of peace diktats. The peoples themselves must make the decision. Moreover, there will be worldwide and lasting peace only if the exploitation of man by man and thus the exploitation of other peoples, too, is eliminated. For this, the peace struggle needs the perspective of genuine socialism.
Put an end to the NATO preparations for war against the peoples of Yugoslavia!
Condemn the first war mission of the Federal Armed Forces after World War II, directed by the Schröder/Fischer government!
No deployment of German troops abroad!
Withdrawal of all foreign troops from the Balkans!
Dissolution of NATO, WEU and the intervention units of the Federal Armed Forces!
Ban on and destruction of all ABC weapons!
Respect for the right to self-determination of the nations!
For peace, friendship among peoples genuine socialism!
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