February 1, 2000: On the Great Tasks of the Marxist-Leninists at the Beginning of the New Millennium
Red Flag: For the last two months, the mass
media have mainly occupied themselves with the scandals concerning the political
donations and corruption under the Kohl government. Is this
Stefan Engel: It definitely is! After all, it has become evident that key representatives of the Kohl government and of the Christian Democratic Party (CDU) for years have been using criminal and Mafia methods that take some beating to organize the laundering of millions of German marks. The exposure of the CDU donations scandal at the end of November 1999 intensified the latent political crisis in Berlin. Since early January we can speak of an open political crisis.
At the CDU congress in May 1998, Mr. Kanther, the former secretary of the interior, still had distinguished himself with the following remark: "Only a strong state is able to protect its citizens against crime and disorder... A new anti-corruption law increases the risk for white-collar criminals and disloyal public servants." With his "Operation Zaunkönig", the same Mr. Kanther did not only channel 20.8 million marks into the coffers of the CDU via secret accounts in Liechtenstein, evading taxation and the provisions of the law on political parties, but also established an organization to evade the law and systematically cover up such transactions.
Kohl received ominous donations amounting to millions of marks which he wangled around official party funds and gave them to his party favorites. Thus he made certain people personally dependent on him and secured his absolute power within the CDU.
The fact that Kohl declines to disclose his donors allows only two conclusions: Firstly, the facts kept secret by Kohl are even worse than those that have already come to light. Secondly: The funds received by Kohl must have come from some illicit channels. If they were donated to the parties correctly, these amounts would also have to appear in the official tax reports of the donors. So, what else should be the reason for not publishing these donations but the fact that these funds are tax-evaded black cash? If the donors were disclosed, a number of top managers of the German monopoly bourgeoisie would probably face penal action for tax evasion running into millions. This would undoubtedly further expand the political crisis and involve the ruling monopolies, too.
It is a scandalous fact that it is possible to wangle millions of marks in a state-supporting party with 640,000 members without any control commission, auditing organ or any party official asking critical questions where these funds come from, without entering them into the books and without giving any receipts. In my opinion, Mr. Schäuble's and Mr. Rühe's statement that they had never in their lives taken a look into one of the annual finance reports of the CDU is the first reason to step down immediately.
What becomes especially clear is the mode of thinking underlying the conduct of the office-holders and officials of the CDU under Mr. Kohl's leadership! People who disregard laws and principles they have created and adopted themselves in such an unscrupulous manner - what else are they capable of doing? Apparently, every means is legitimate to secure the exercising of power on behalf of the monopolies. The mode of thinking that becomes obvious in this scandal shakes the mass basis of the dictatorship of the monopolies. It is based on the motto: "Laws for the people free money-making for the lawmakers and the persons behind them in the economy."
It is the fact that they have managed the business of the ruling monopolies for decades in all parts of social life that has created such recklessness, high-handedness, greediness for power and ignorance towards the common people among the bourgeois politicians. It is absolutely legitimate that these people up there are now met by a wave of deep mistrust.
Meanwhile, all the parties in Berlin have switched over to limiting the damage. The CDU has released Kohl from the obligation to reveal his donors and has refrained from taking any action against him. The only conceivable reason for this is that the entire leadership of the CDU would suffer damage from disclosures made by Kohl. The criticized CDU top leadership consists solely of former Kohl favorites and careerists anyway all other people have been purged long before. Now, of course, all of them maintain that they didn't know anything at all.
It was inevitable that the entire graft in the SPD came to light again, too. The combination of the WestLB bank and the SPD top leadership in Düsseldorf under Rau and Clement and the resignation from office of Schleusser, the secretary of commerce of the North Rhine-Westphalia state government, reveal that this is not just a question of individual personal problems but that the entire parliamentary system reveals its decadence in this scandal.
Over the last year, the role of the SPD officials who have reaped personal
benefit from their office has become longer and longer: the three mayors
of Cologne, Dortmund and Gelsenkirchen, Glogowski, Schleusser, Rau, Farthmann,
In view of this fact it is clear that the SPD now declares that they are
not interested in an intensification of the crisis of the CDU. The Green
Party and the PDS say the same. Who is now covering whom and why? Can anyone
up there be trusted at all?
Red Flag: In the media there is much talk of a "political donations
scandal", a "party crisis" etc. the MLPD has a different
Stefan Engel: To characterize all this merely as being a party crisis would be to totally underestimate the situation. It is an all-encompassing crisis in the system of rule of state monopoly capitalism. The CDU is completely intertwined with this system. It is the governing party in several federal states. It is represented in federal legislative panels, in the broadcasting supervising panel, etc.. The decline of such a party affects the general internal stability of the system. This is why one has to speak of an open political crisis, too. Its main features are:
- According to opinion polls, the CDU's public approval rating dropped from 48 percent to 29 percent within two months. This is a tremendous slump in the mass basis of the CDU and calls into question its ability to fulfill its fundamental role as an instrument of the monopolies to organize the mass basis among the petty-bourgeois intermediate strata.
-The resignation of Mr. Kanther from his seat in the federal parliament and of Kohl from his office as honorary chairman of the CDU; Weyrauch has left the CDU. A key finance organizer of the CDU committed suicide.
-There is a total of four investigation committees looking into corruption scandals in Berlin, Hesse, Lower Saxony and Dusseldorf.
-After the disclosure of the CDU leadership's money-laundering, a vote of confidence was moved in Hesse. After all, according to opinion polls, 55 percent of the population in Hesse have demanded new elections.
-The disclosures come thick and fast and the CDU leadership presently does not have the development under control. Will the CDU be able to carry on in its traditional form or will it fall apart due to the internal contradictions of this crisis?
-Meanwhile, the judiciary, too is increasingly becoming
a target of criticism for using double standards; likewise
the so-called control mechanisms of the bourgeois democracy for their inability
to see such goings-on for decades.
Red Flag: Why does all this come to light right
Stefan Engel: Of course, many of the facts, such as the bribery money of Elf Aquitaine, the ominous donations practices of the arms dealer Schreiber and suspicions concerning the black accounts of the CDU have been being investigated for years. So, this alone can not be the reason why this is all stirring up now.
The starting point for the intensification of the latent political crisis at the year's turn and its open outbreak in January was not incidental disclosures but was mainly the development of the class consciousness of the working class to a higher level. Since the beginning of last year, a process of the dissociation of the masses from the bourgeois parties, the bourgeois parliament and its institutions began. This has resulted in devastating electoral defeats for the governing SPD and the Greens in the elections to the European Parliament, in state and municipal elections during the last year. But especially the workers have reacted differently than they used to. They have not simply voted for the opposition party, but called into question whether it makes any sense to switch back and forth between the Kohl successors and the Schröder government and to vote for the "lesser evil", as up till now. Never before have so many people expressed their protest especially against the federal government by refraining from going to the ballot boxes.
This process of detachment has also led to an increased awareness of the machinations of the leading politicians among the petty-bourgeois intermediate strata, among media people, prosecuting attorneys, auditors etc.. This contributed to moving the corruption and politics-for-money scandals into the limelight. The media have systematically occupied themselves with the occurrences and more and more disclosed the goings-on in the CDU and the SPD. At the same time, the masses' distrust in those who are at the top has intensified. A mutual interaction has developed and intensified between the masses' distrust of the bourgeois politicians and the new revelations.
It is absolutely clear that the method of rule of the dictatorship of the
monopolies is adversely affected if the masses are not re-convinced of the
credibility of this party.
Rote Fahne: How does the MLPD intend to respond to this open
political crisis?
Stefan Engel: The Central Committee (CC) has decided that the MLPD will stand in the elections for the North Rhine-Westphalia state parliament with an open list and 87 direct candidates, under the slogan "The Country Needs New Politicians!". This tactical slogan brings together the mood of the masses with the MLPD's ability to offer genuine alternatives.
Of course, this slogan is not just about new lawmakers, but about a different basic orientation in politics, which finally focuses on the workers' interests and does not subordinate everything to the monopoly interests. We especially want to bring to bear our relatively strong support and influence among the workers in the Ruhr district and in the Rhineland in order to enhance the influence of the MLPD, to advance the building of the party and to use the present situation to overcome the relative isolation. Above all, many people will first have to find out that a party like the MLPD even exists.
This decision of the Central Committee met with great enthusiasm within the party, although the implementation of such a decision will afford quite some strength and energy. We have only three and a half months left until the election day on May 14. Until then, we will have to collect about 10,000 signatures, prepare a powerful electoral campaign and implement it effectively. The entire organization will participate in this electoral campaign. This week we will already launch a nationwide campaign under the slogan "The country needs new politicians!".
All units of the party and of the REBELL will use this slogan to mobilize new supporters for the electoral campaign in North Rhine-Westphalia (NRW). Concrete forms of organization are the building of voters' initiative groups in NRW and of initiative groups for the support of the party building of the MLPD in the other federal states.
We can promise our political opponents: We will expose everything they are
still trying to sweep under the carpet. We will spare no one who deserves
public criticism and exposure. We are solely committed to the interests of
the workers and the huge masses of the population. Within the MLPD we have
a comprehensive, tried and tested system of self-checking to check if and
how our principles are observed and on which basis policy is made. Our
candidates represent the new politicians needed by the country
more than ever.
Red Flag: Initially, it was not planned to run in the elections
for federal state parliament of North Rhine-Westphalia . Isn't this a
contradiction to the tasks of the offensive of party work as decided by the
Gelsenkirchen Party Congress?
Stefan Engel: After the Party Congress we intend to carry out an offensive of party work from January to September 2000. The purpose is to study the decisions of the Gelsenkirchen Party Congress thoroughly and to test them in practice in connection with different practical tasks. The tasks were: participation in the LLL-celebrations in Berlin, organising of a militant International Women's Day on March 8, systematization of our work in the factories and trade unions in connection with the collective bargaining, the elections of the shop stewards and May 1st. Adjustment of the party work to the organisational political main focus youth work, concentration on party building, adjustment of the entire party work to the expansion of the party and building up new units and county organisations, while the main focus shall be in the new federal states from June to September. In this process, the organisational political main focus youth work shall be put into more concrete terms and be put into practice as mass tactics of party building.
Initially it was not planned to participate in the elections for federal state parliament. But a Marxist-Leninist party cannot allow itself to ignore an open political crisis because we would discredit ourselves as a serious political force. It is a crisis that touches the entire method of rule of the dictatorship of the monopolies and that has a broad impact on the entire society, especially on the relationship of the ruling system to the masses. In this situation, the ties of the working class and the broad masses to the bourgeois parties are dissolving. Now it is important to win over at least some of those people for becoming active for their own interests, to organize them for this purpose and to convey to them the perspective of the struggle for genuine socialism.
The tactical main task "Offensive of Party Work" is not being given up. Despite the change of tactics, it must be guaranteed that we do not confine ourselves to electoral work and push aside the task of studying the results of the Party Congress and especially that we do not neglect the self-transformation of the MLPD for the advancement of the interrelation of party and masses. Basically, the results of the federal state parliament elections will also be partially influence by our ability to put the superb results of the Party Congress into practice.
The ground is fertile to gain at least a reasonable success in
the elections of the federal state parliament. We assume that the current
deep political crisis won't be easy to cope with. In such situations, anything
can happen. You cannot say with certainty how things will end, especially
because it does not depend on us whether we will be mentioned by the bourgeois
mass media at all. Bourgeois parliamentary work mainly remains a field of
the ruling class.
Red Flag: What makes you so sure, that the ruling class will not
easily cope with this crisis?
Stefan Engel: The more the masses turn away from the bourgeois parties, the more the nervousness and the inner contradictions within the bourgeois parties grow, the more complicated it becomes for them to regain the trust of the masses. You will not gain trust within a few weeks or months, but trust usually needs a much longer period of time to develop. It will not be easy to overcome the deep impression that we have been being governed by a gang of corrupt money laundrymen, law-breakers and unscrupulous power politicians.
Most importantly, the social contradictions behind this open political crisis can not be solved so easily. I can only be amused when the ruling class announces a new economic upswing for this year. That's just for the elections. Last year the government also promised growth rates of 2.7 percent. The result was only 1.4 percent growth. Schröder predicted that the statistics will show 300,000 to 400,000 fewer unemployed people at the end of the year. What makes this man so sure?
According to the data of the Federal Institute of Labor, unemployment allegedly decreased by 150,000 in 1999. But this was only a statistical trick. The number of people eligible for working actually decreased by 100,000 alone. Besides this, labor statistics do not contain the fact, that the part-time jobs increased by almost 200,000 this year. In brief words: it was only a shift from full-time jobs to part-time jobs that took place.
In 1999, the total value of mergers doubled to 1,200 million US-Dollars. Each merger and take-over is combined with the dismissal of 10 to 30 percent of the jobs on the average. Especially at the end of the year, with its tax-laws the government announced that sales of joint-stock companies (that is essentially what take-overs and mergers of companies are all about) may be conducted free of taxes. By this, hundreds of billions of German marks of surplus and stashed away capital will be free for the battle over the world markets from 2001 on.
The tendency of the massive annihilation of jobs and the increase of chronic underemployment constantly continues. Also, the opportunities for state-governed regulation of the crisis diminish with each take-over. The international structural crisis takes effect more and more directly and can hardly be caught-up by the state social systems anymore. The chronic crisis of the bourgeois family order destroys the integration into society for many people.
All this will lead to massive changes in the lives of the broad masses of the population in the coming years. Mass unemployment will be accompanied by growing poverty, underemployment and social misery.
Red Flag: What does this mean?
Stefan Engel: The most important political aim of the criticism-self-criticism-campaign is to tip the balance of power between MLPD and PDS lastingly to our favor. This can only be achieved, if the MLPD grows significantly in strength in the next years, if it reaches a new quality with regard to taking root among the broad masses, especially in the new federal states, and if it develops its interrelation with the self-organizations of the masses. We must publicly deny the right of the PDS to speak on behalf of socialism. If the party's chairman Bisky is boasting about the fact that the PDS « has arrived» in society, it only reveals the pace of the process in which the party has become a loyal supporter of the state. Gysi hopes «that the present crisis will soon be overcome», and with this statement he reveals that he has become a strong advocate of bourgeois society.
Only if the process towards the party of the masses makes considerable progress will it be possible for the political crises to turn into a revolutionary ferment of the masses.
The party congress developed five main tasks that must be fulfilled first on the way to becoming the party of the masses. These are:
1. a lasting strengthening of the militant women's movement. It is the decisive mass movement in which the transition to the working class offensive and the involvement of the broad masses in the struggle against the new government and the system must interpenetrate each other. The development of a militant women's movement itself has three aspects: the development of a militant trade-union work among women, the support of the women's league Courage, which is not affiliated to a party, on its way to a real women's mass league, and the further development of the independent Marxist-Leninist work among women with its international connections as the core of a proletarian women's movement.
2. The MLPD must overcome, step by step, its weakness in the work among the petty-bourgeois intermediate strata. Without a solution in the preparation of the alliance with the petty-bourgeois intermediate strata, there will be no successful advancement to the party of the masses. Therefore, the constituent meeting of the central committee decided to found a university department to develop a systematic work at institutions of higher education.
3. The work among the youth as organizational-political main focus must be carried through within the party and be comprehended and realized as mass tactics of party building in order to speed up the latter and to win a larger number of new members in the near future. Although youth work has made a lot of progress during the last years, this standard has only begun to be applied in our work, and it does not yet determine the interrelation between the party and REBELL. The key to solving the task of significantly strengthening REBELL is its lasting ideological-political strengthening, its organizational consolidation and an increase of its mass influence among the youth.
4. It is necessary to begin with systematic local politics within the framework of our work in residential areas in order to involve the broad masses in the struggle against the government and the system. This local politics must also constitute the focal point of the future proletarian parliamentary work. It has to deal comprehensively with the concrete living conditions of the masses, rallying them in a common struggle round the working class. Without systematic local politics it is inconceivable to involve the broad masses in the militant opposition.
5. The most important ideological problem in order to increase the influence of the MLPD among the masses is to cope with modern anti-communism. Today, many people only have a distorted picture of Marxism-Leninism. To encounter this, a popular agitation and propaganda of Marxism-Leninism among the masses has to be launched. People must have at least some basic knowledge about our goals as Marxist-Leninists. Of course, the starting point of our propaganda is always the scientific specification and development of our ideological-political line. This, however, must not result in ignoring the process of studying and propagating our line among the broad masses, and so creating an artificial rift between our correct ideas and concepts and the need of the people for higher consciousness and for organizing themselves. In this task, the modification of our weekly «Red Flag» will play a central role. It must build a bridge between the common people and our ideological-political line that is laid down comprehensively in our theoretical organ and party program. The task of reaching the broad masses with our agitation and propaganda is the decisive practical determinant for the interrelation between the party and the masses and the new quality of our work of convincing people.
The new criticism and self-criticism campaign must focus upon studying the decisions of the party congress. In the first weeks we already could observe the tendency, even in the central committee, to regard the party congress as being concluded, with no need for dealing with it any longer. This conclusion was wrong.
The new criticism and self-criticism campaign requires the thorough processing of all ideological and organizational results of the party congress and an orientation towards the new process of self-transformation of the party. It also requires a critical and self-critical evaluation of all relations to the masses. Therefore, the «offensive of the party work» will also have the character of a movement of orientation to the new tasks in the self-transformation of the party.
Apart from the new contents in this movement of orientation, it is also new that it is not only being conducted within the party, but that we are purposefully going over to including more and more people outside the party in this process of discussion. We have already practiced this successfully with the public discussions of the draft program, and this shall be systematically continued now. We need the suggestions and criticism of the common people on our party work in order to be able to systematically discuss the impact of our work. At the same time, the proletarian culture of debate will be spread among the workers, women and young people, as well, by involving them in the criticism and self-criticism campaign. This proletarian culture of debate is the main feature of the work on the basis of the proletarian mode of thinking. It is our strong weapon in the struggle over the world outlook. It appeals to the people because it gives them the opportunity to solve the many and diverse problems of their lives and to reach positive conclusions.
Red Flag: The participation in the LLL-activities in Berlin was the start of the political offensive. What were the most important results?
Stefan Engel: The mass rally in Berlin on the 8th January, which was attended by 1200 visitors, was a great start for the offensive of the party work of the MLPD. Of course, this rally was also supported by delegations from all parts of Germany. About one third of the visitors who could be mobilized came from the Berlin area. This is an excellent result of our systematic work among the rank and file during this week. At this rally, a great spirit of solidarity, of unity regarding the mode of thinking emanating from the party congress of Gelsenkirchen became apparent.
On this basis it was possible to give an adequate response to the ban on the Lenin-Liebknecht-Luxemburg (LLL)-ceremonies by the chief of police the next day. The MLPD not only protested against the ban, but also organized a series of activities of resistance as a school of class struggle. It was clear that we would not fight against the heavily armed police troops. But we made use of our possibilities by staging a legitimate and spontaneous protest rally. The ban on the LLL-ceremonies was untenable and its justification was, in reality, only a pretext. It was allegedly imposed to protect the participants at the LLL rallies from a supposed assassin. However, this person could not have known anything at all about the following spontaneous demonstration. It was not before 9.30 a.m. that I called up for it, after the police had reinforced the ban on all LLL-activities. Only 10 minutes afterwards, the march was stopped, the leadership of it was encircled and a ban was put on it. We will take legal action against the chief of police of Berlin for this illegal suppression of democratic rights. Later another protest rally with 1200 participants took place at the United Nations Square (the former Lenin Square) which was banned by the police, as well.
It was remarkable that the chief of police combined his ban with a call for participating in the PDS-activities one week later. This also reveals that the arrangement between the police and the PDS prior to the ban was clearly directed mainly against the activities of the MLPD. As I already have mentioned - the PDS has "arrived" (in society).
Our disciplined, militant but also prudent conduct in the active resistance against the ban has inspired respect for us even within PDS circles. There is not only the choice between the path of miserable capitulation of the PDS-leadership or that of street battles with the police of the autonomous forces. The crucial point is to carry out every task as a school of the class struggle, of the proletarian mode of thinking. This was certainly successful.
Red Flag: How will the MLPD realize the organizational-political focal point: work among the youth as mass tactics of party building?
Stefan Engel: We could observe that young people from the street could be directly organized into the REBELL. In this way we recruited 52 new members of REBELL in the wake of the activities around the LLL-ceremonies. Winning new members for the party usually takes more time. Of course, it is important that the party and REBELL work in such a way that these young people do not leave the organization, but will develop from rebels to Marxist-Leninists instead. This will be expressed in the membership in the Marxist-Leninist party. We are planning to carry out some activities for building up the organization in the new federal states from June to September, especially in conjunction with the summer camps of REBELL. Party building in the new federal states has to be carried out predominantly by winning the masses of young people.
Red Flag: Presently, wage negotiations are beginning again for millions of wage earning people in Germany. Will mass movements be launched again as in the last year?
Stefan Engel: The crucial point of the wage negotiations this year lies in the question of whether the «alliance for jobs ...» will prove its worth for the monopolies and the government, or whether the workers will put an end to it. Within the trade unions there are initiatives for a critical campaign: «Leave the alliance for jobs!» Even prior to the pay negotiations, the employer's association, the trade union leadership and the government already agreed in advance that the workers should accept collective labor agreements with terms of several years in order to keep peace in the enterprises. At the same time, they are supposed to pay an ever rising part of the pension scheme contributions by themselves alone, while the employers are released more and more from their responsibilities for the social welfare contributions. According to the Institute of the German Economy, the gross value added in the manufacturing industries has risen by 28.65 per cent from 1990 to 1998. At the same time, net real wages have fallen under the level of 1980. We will see whether the workers will accept the wage guidelines agreed on in the «alliance for jobs ...», or whether they will resolutely wage a struggle against the general wage cuts in accordance with their class interests.
The goal in the elections of shop stewards in the metal workers union must be to get more militant and class conscious workers elected.
Red Flag: The new central committee of the MLPD has decided to publish the second part of the REVOLUTIONARY WAY «Class struggle and the struggle for the liberation of women» as one of its first tasks. How far has the work advanced and what can the organization expect?
Stefan Engel: According to the schedule of the central
committee, the REVOLUTIONARY WAY number 28 is supposed to appear on 1st May.
In addition, the two parts RW 27/28 will be published as one book with a
popular title. RW 28 will deal mainly with various problems in the women's
work of the international Marxist-Leninist women's and working-class movement.
We will also deal with the experiences in the struggle for the liberation
of women in the former socialist countries as well as the problem of how
the struggle for the liberation of women was stifled in the process of the
restoration of capitalism in the GDR. It develops the strategy and tactics
in the struggle for winning the masses of women as guidance for action. The
book will certainly give fresh impetus to the Marxist-Leninist systematic
work among the rank and file.
Red Flag: For several years the proposal for an international
league of struggle for liberation has been being discussed in the international
Marxist-Leninist and working-class movement. Now, a preparatory group has
obviously been founded for the founding such an international
Stefan Engel: In January, an international preparatory group
was founded which fixed the date for the international delegates' founding
conference on 16th/17th December 2000. More than one hundred organizations
from all continents with a total membership going into the millions, have
declared their readiness to take part in the founding of the league. The
fact that this congress will take place in Germany is a great honor for the
German working class movement and the MLPD. We will do everything we can
in order to provide an adequate framework for this congress and we will do
everything that is possible to contribute to the success of this founding
Red Flag: What perspectives do you see regarding the
Stefan Engel: I have been the chairman of our organization now for twenty years. I can say that I never before have seen such excellent objective and subjective opportunities for the advancement of our Marxist-Leninist party work as presently at the beginning of the new millenium. Capitalism is getting weaker and weaker. The workers are becoming aware of their strength, and the masses are becoming more and more defiant. We held an excellent party congress which concluded an enormous process of self-transformation of the party. In this process, the members have matured for mastering the new tasks. The MLPD is capable of inspiring the masses to action and will also learn to lead the masses. The members are standing unanimously and enthusiastically behind the new task. And this will surely arouse the enthusiasm of many people close to the party. In the near future I foresee a significant growth of our party and its youth league REBELL, the extension of the party work to new areas and regions, the strengthening of our influence among the industrial workers, the women's movement and the youth.
However, I also foresee that with our advance, we will be faced with harsher repressive measures and slander, as we have already experienced during the LLL-ceremonies in Berlin. Therefore, the highest degree of vigilance is required. At the same time, the struggle for democratic rights and liberties will acquire greater importance in our party work in the future.
The good results of the party congress have been achieved because our comrades have learned to approach the tasks from an ideological-political angle, to think things through thoroughly, to work according to a plan and in unanimity, and to tackle and solve the existing problems vigorously. This dialectical method must also be the method of the future. It must shape our system of self-control, then we will succeed in coping with the most complicated problems and tasks in the new process of self-transformation of the party.
I am proud of being a member of this party, and in this respect I distinguish
myself from many a bourgeois politician who has to be ashamed of his own
party in these days. There are wonderful, great tasks in store for us. But
we have many allies in coping with these tasks. We have the tools and the
clarity for fulfilling these tasks in the future. Therefore, it was no
exaggeration when we Marxist-Leninists laid claim to the future of
human development at this year's begin. The future will bring a
new upswing in the struggle for genuine socialism and begin a new phase of
the proletarian revolution. I am sure of that.
Red Flag: Thank you very much for the interview.
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