October 12, 2001: Bush's "New War" is a Declaration of Permanent War to the World
With the US invasion in Afghanistan it becomes
increasingly obvious that the real aim of the war is not Bin Laden but the
overthrow of the sovereign Taliban regime. The White House speaker
declared that even after Bin Laden's death, "the war"
would "continue." Hitherto there is no proof at all for
the participation of the Taliban regime in the reactionary terror attacks
in the USA. With vague suspicions of "support of terrorism,"
in the US logic, more invasions of the Sudan, Palestine, Iraq, etc could
The USA already declared publicly that the military aggression against the Afghan people is only the first military stage of a long-prepared "New War." This war is to continue for "10 to 15 years" and to include further "actions referring to other organizations or states." Bush declared that "any means of diplomacy, any possibility of the secret services and any necessary war weapon" are to be used. The USA arrogates to itself to take action over years, in an unbridled way and all over the world against anybody who opposes them. Bush's "New War" – this is nothing else but a declaration of permanent war to the world under the pretext of "fighting terrorism."
The permanent bombing of Afghanistan since October 7th
shows the character these wars will adopt. Already now, it has murdered
hundreds of civilians and triggered a new wave of refugees. A massive
deployment of ground troops is in preparation. The USA have chosen the
reactionary Islamic Northern Alliance as their main ally in Afghanistan.
Before 1996, the Northern Alliance had already been in power in
Afghanistan and proved by brutal terror, mass rapes and oppression of the
people that it is not essentially different from the Taliban. The masses
feel deep hatred against it, too. Therefore, the USA obviously count upon
a permanent military occupation of Afghanistan. We, however, support the
liberation struggle of the Afghan people which is directed against the
reactionary-feudal Taliban as well as against the USA and their lackeys.
It is precisely against the beginning worldwide upsurge
of the struggle for national and social liberation that Bush's "New
War" is directed. The system of plundering and oppressing the
developing countries – neocolonialism – has entered a new, deep crisis.
In the nineties, under the banner of neoliberalism, the developing
countries were opened completely to the international monopolies. This
entailed severe economic and political ruin. All over the world, there is
growing unrest, strikes, rebellions and powerful mass movements. Therefore,
the next step of the imperialist countries is to threaten militarily and
occupy an increasing number of countries.
This is justified by a new definition of "terrorism," as will be applied in the future by the European Union for instance. Accordingly, "terrorism" means any action "started against one country or several countries or their institutions or population, with the intention of undermining or even destroying their political, economic or social order" (Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, September 19, 2001). This is nothing but the licence for oppressing the international revolutionary working-class movement and the anti-imperialist liberation struggle of the oppressed peoples by force!
The MLPD resolutely condemns the reactionary fascist
terrorism of forces like those of Bin Laden. It resolutely advocates
punishment of fascist terrorists as well as the ban of all fascist
organizations. Also, it vehemently opposes the state terror as
demonstrated powerfully by US imperialism at the moment. However, the MLPD
is also of the opinion: a people must be allowed to defend itself against
military attacks and imperialist war. Therefore, the MLPD determinedly
objects to the massively forwarded dismantling of bourgeois-democratic
rights and liberties which is connected with the alleged struggle against
terrorism. The exploited and oppressed of this world have the right to
struggle for their liberation.
Concretely, the US invasion of Afghanistan serves to
control the geostrategically important region of Central Asia that with
rich raw material resources. The purpose is the redivision of the
imperialist spheres of power and influence. Even though, for the time
being, all imperialist countries act together, this alliance will break
after a while, the interimperialist contradictions will emerge openly and
will, eventually, even come into the focus. At the same time, the
imperialists increasingly infuriate the masses of workers and peoples of
the world. Already today, four fifths of the world population reject
Bush's "New War." The war will sharpen all contradictions on a
worldwide level and will eventually prepare, against the will of its
initiators, the soil for the future development of a new revolutionary
world crisis.
The FRG supports the US invasion financially,
logistically and also by taking over the top command of the occupation of
Macedonia. When Schröder visited the USA, he explicitly declared on
October 11th, that a military mission of the Bundeswehr
(German Federal Army) is also necessary. This is already eagerly prepared
behind the stage. A massive psychological preparation of war is going on
and a general attack is launched against the democratic rights and
liberties. This must meet with the resolute resistance of all democrats
and peaceloving people.
Bush's "New War" meets rejection and protest
all over the world. On October 7th, more than 20,000 protesters
gathered in rallies and demonstrations in about 60 cities in Germany. The
MLPD welcomes and supports the big demonstrations in Berlin and Stuttgart
on October 13th. It stands up for active resistance against
Bush's "New War." It particularly counts upon the youth as the
most active and vital force. It works for the working-class movement
assuming its role in the active resistance. It counts upon the trump card
of international solidarity. It takes a stand for peace, friendship among
peoples and genuine socialism. Get organized to strengthen active
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