May 9 -12, 2002: Seminar - Commemoration - Museum Opening in the Life Work of Willi Dickhut

MLPD - Willi Dickhut Foundation - Willi Dickhut Museum -

ABZ Arbeiterbildungszentrum e.V.




Seminar - Commemoration - Museum Opening

On the Life Work of Willi Dickhut

9 - 12 May 2002

Direct all registrations to :

Arbeiterbildungszentrum e.V. Gelsenkirchen

Koststraße 8
45899 Gelsenkirchen

Tel.: ++49-209-5084129

27 February 2002

"I have struggled for my entire life"


Willi Dickhut, 1904-1992

Worker, Marxist-Leninist, Fighter in the Resistance against Hitler-Fascism, Theoretician, Organizer, Guiding Intellectual Force, Teacher, Advisor, a Living Example for Genuine Socialism



"Very few people today are familiar with Willi Dickhut. That has to change!"

Willi Dickhut, who died on 8 May, 1992, was active in the working-class movement since his youth. He was a metal worker and, at an early age, became an unwavering fighter and later a creative theoretician of the revolutionary working-class movement. He remained both until he died. He dedicated his life to the liberation of humanity from hunger, war, exploitation, oppression.

Even ten years after his death, his life work has lost nothing of its significance. On the contrary. Today, as never before, the masses of people are in contradiction to the capitalist exploitation of man and nature and to imperialist wars and oppression and they are looking for a way out. Willi's life work is a key to this.

You can learn a lot from Willi Dickhut. Not only from his more than 30 books, but also from the entire way in which he approached people and matters. He took everyone seriously. He also worked together with many social-democratic workers, but also with reformist functionaries in solidarity, whether in the trade union or in municipal politics. But he never made a single foul compromise against the interests of the blue- and white-collar workers. In spite of concentration camp and imprisonment, he was active without interruption in the illegal resistance against Hitler-fascism. He had a critical spirit. He despised bureaucracy.

Willi Dickhut was a genuine example for young people. Much more should be made known about him in schools and in the media. The seminar in Gelsenkirchen, the big commemoration in Wuppertal and the museum opening in May 2002 serve to make Willi Dickhut better known to far more people. We heartily invite you to attend.

Taking up or strengthening the struggle for a liberated society - genuine socialism - that is the best way to honor Willi Dickhut.

Commemoration for Willi Dickhut



Thursday, 9 May 2002

4 p.m. - 8 p.m.

Stadthalle (city hall) Wuppertal

Entrance fee: 6 Euro

Johannisberg 40, 42103 Wuppertal


* Speech of the party chairman of the MLPD, Stefan Engel

* Musical trip through Willi Dickhut's life

* Informative supporting program


Organizer: Marxist-Leninist Party of Germany



Opening of the Willi Dickhut Museum


The museum gives insight into the life work of Willi Dickhut.

By depicting the life and work of Willi Dickhut, the Willi Dickhut Museum aims at enabling visitors to experience a lively encounter with the history of the German working-class movement of the 20th century. The debate over its victories and its defeats intends to inspire the visitors and help them to learn from history, to draw conclusions for the future and to make decisions.

Entrance fee: 6,- Euro




Willi Dickhut Seminar

11 and 12 May 2002

About 800 participants from Germany and abroad are expected to attend. The seminar aims at illuminating Willi Dickhut's life work under various aspects and at drawing common conclusions by means of a debate over the extensive experiences of the participants. Every seminar block contains contributions prepared in advance which are followed by an open discussion.


Further Registration
Opening and Introduction
1. Willi Dickhut, a fighter and a guiding example in antifascist resistance and in factory and trade union work.
2. Willi Dickhut and the struggle against modern revisionism
3. Willi Dickhut as a Marxist-Leninist theoretician and the analysis of state monopoly capitalism


4. Willi Dickhut and his conclusions for building up a Marxist- Leninist party of a new type.
Closing contribution and reading out of a closing statement

Organizer Arbeiterbildungszentrum e.V. (Workers' Education Center)

Willi Dickhut Foundation

Costs for participation in the seminar (including commemoration, museum opening and seminar), not including meals and overnight accommodations: 50,- Euro

Participation in the Willi Dickhut Seminar only: 42 Euro


Prices for meals: lunch: 4 Euro, evening dinner 3 Euro

All-day bus tours



Friday, 10 May

organized by people to people and ABZ Gelsenkirchen

Bus tour to the memorial of the concentration camp Breendonk near Antwerp with antifascist commemoration

Departure: 8.15 a.m., Arbeiterbildungszentrum Gelsenkirchen

Departure: 8.30 a.m., Parking place Musiktheater Gelsenkirchen

32,50 Euro, reduced: 26,- Euro

Bus tour to Solingen to Willi Dickhut's places of work

Departure: 9 a.m., Arbeiterbildungszentrum Gelsenkirchen

27,- Euro, reduced: 23,- Euro

Bus tour: Getting to know the Ruhr area

Departure: 9.00 a.m., Arbeiterbildungszentrum Gelsenkirchen

Departure: 9.15 a.m., Parking lot Musiktheater Gelsenkirchen

27,- Euro, reduced: 23,- Euro

Reduced prices are for families: registration and payment for bus tours to ABZ (see registration form). Further points of departure and schedule will be announced.

Many of Willi Dickhut's books have been translated into English, Spanish, French and Turkish. Request mailing lists at:


Verlag Neuer Weg

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