March 17, 2003: Bush, Blair and Aznar Decide to Start the War
1. "Tomorrow is a moment of truth for the world," announced US
President Bush during a press conference on March 16, 2003, which was held
on the Azores together with Blair (Great Britain) and Aznar (Spain). In a
way Bush delivered an ultimatum to the UN Security Council with these
words to consent on March 17, 2003, at the latest, to the resolution
legitimating a military attack on Iraq by the US and Great Britain. In
case the Security Council does not agree to the resolution the war will
start in any case this week. The demand addressed to Saddam Hussein in the
form of an ultimatum to leave his country or to destroy his weapons of
mass destruction within days is illusive and only the decoration to cover
the war countdown. Thus the war preparation is reaching its critical phase.
The warmongers from the USA, Great Britain and Spain are going over to the
military part of the operation, although they suffered a serious defeat in
the last weeks in the war to win the minds of the people of the world. On
the Azores Bush got Blair and Aznar to commit themselves to the line of
starting the war on Iraq now in violation of international law.
The answer to the growing danger of war during the last three days again was powerful demonstrations, strikes and blockades worldwide. The warmongers are isolated among the masses as they never were before. If they dare to start their inhumane aggression it must be clear to them that they have to pay a high price. Demanding the resignation of the Bush, Blair and Aznar administrations is the political order of the day. And all other governments should be warned to keep clear of Bush's war course.
The regular Monday demonstrations are gaining increasing acceptance in the German peace movement and have become more and more a reservoir of the active resistance against the war on Iraq. The Monday demonstration in Leipzig is at the head. It takes up the tradition of the Monday demonstrations before the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989 – and has over 20,000 participants in the meantime.
The peace movement also is well prepared for the day "X" of the beginning of the war. The MLPD calls to actively take part in these actions, to gather in the city centers on day "X" at 5 p.m. to stage demonstrations and to express active resistance against this war. Work in the enterprises should be stopped at that hour, the shops should close for half an hour and boycotts should be organized in schools and universities.
Stop the Bush's and Blair's war on Iraq in violation of international law!
Active resistance now!
Long live international solidarity!
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