September 12, 2004: Join the March against the Schroeder/Fischer Government on October 3 in Berlin! "Down with Hartz IV - We are the People!"
Dear workers in the factories and offices, dear men and women and
young people af-fected by unemployment, pension--cuts, the reform of
the health system, in brief: af-fected by the Agenda 2010 and Hartz IV,
dear friends and comrades of the MLPD!
The Central Committee of the MLPD explicitly supports the resolution of
the Leip-zig conference of August 28,2004, in which 186 people from 66
cities participated. The resolution reads: "Down with Hartz IV - We are
the people!... We want to get rid of Hartz IV in full - we won't accept
cosmetics! We resolutely attack any party and any govern-ment pursuing
this policy. Mobilize for a national march to Berlin on October 3. This
is our 'German unity'!"
Today, we regret to have to say that the Monday demo movement has been
split into two directions. From the start, certain forces among the
ATTAC and trade-union functionar-ies with membership cards of SPD,
Greens and PDS tried to prevent this march. With downright absurd
arguments they tried to put it into the rightist corner: "We are the
peo-ple!" would be a "nationalist" ("völkisch") slogan. In reality, the
call, "We are the people!" originates with the work of Georg Büchner,
"Danton's Death", in which he reaffirms the people's right of
resistance against exploiters and oppressors. In this spirit, the
Monday demo movement overthrew the hated Stasi regime of Honecker and
company in 1989.
Also, these forces claimed, October 3 would be unsuitable because,
basically, the reuni-fication as an annexation had to be opposed and
this would be the date for the right-wing extremists. In fact, it was
the democratic movement of the GDR that gained reunifi-cation by
struggle and the broad masses of the people in Germany explicitly
welcome that the division was overcome. The proposal for October 3, in
particular from the East German initiatives of the Monday demo
movement, is a signal for the working-class unity in East and West
October 3 is best suited to take stock of 15 years of reunification
during which those in power did not succeed in really overcoming the
division of Germany. Unequal wages, unequal social benefits, etc. are
still being maintained. The demonstration on October 3 must stress
unrestricted solidarity in the struggle against the anti-people program
of the government: Down with Hartz IV and the entire Agenda 2010!
On Tuesday, September 7, the trade-union leaderships had a meeting with
Chancellor Schroeder in which they agreed again on a break in the
struggle against the govern-ment: until February 2005, the DGB unions
are not to take part in central anti-governmental activities.
On September 11, ATTAC convened a meeting in which 141 persons
participated. Only a minority were representatives of the rank and
file, only a few had been elected by the Monday demonstrations. Against
all reservations and critiques, this meeting shat-tered the last chance
of achieving a joint demonstration in the beginning of October. They
did not only stick to October 2, but also dismissed the previous
orientation of the movement "Down with Hartz IV - We are the people!"
by means of an explicit, demon-strative decision. The following slogan
is to be imposed upon the Monday demo move-ment from now on: "Social
justice instead of Hartz IV! We have alternatives." Before-hand, the
PDS had already changed its text on its poster: instead of the previous
"Hartz IV... down with it!", the new version reads: "We support you!"
At the same time, the absurd accusation was renewed that the MLPD would
split the Monday demo movement. Everybody can now see for him/herself:
It is not the MLPD that tries to change the basic direction of the
Monday demonstrations "Down with Hartz IV - We are the people!", but
the splitters who do so.
They go down on their knees before the reformist trade-union leadership
and the gov-ernmental parties. If the Monday demo movement would comply
with this maneuver and go to Berlin with the request for "social
justice" on October 2, this would mean to bury the Monday demo
movement. The change of the central slogan of the Monday
demonstra-tions means nothing else but contenting oneself with empty
hopes. Is the entire move-ment of Monday demonstrations to go down on
its knees before the authorities now, too, thus getting to nothing?
This is definitely out of the question!
The most important achievement of the Monday demo movement is its
political independence which finds expression in the following
· There are regular political mass demonstrations against the government and its anti-people policy.
· The movement has its own slogans, own culture of demonstrations, its own principles and methods.
· It is carried by hundreds of thousands of ordinary people who start
taking their fates into their own hands, and it enjoys the sympathy of
millions of people.
· It is independent of the bourgeois parties, because to date no
political force has succeeded in gaining control over this movement.
· It is really non-party affiliated and unites the most different forces in the struggle against the government.
· It is extraordinarily resolute in its goals and not inclined to be fobbed off with super-ficial cosmetics or hollow promises.
· Last but not least it is open for a socialist alternative and herewith contains revolu-tionary, society-changing seeds.
"Down with Hartz IV - We are the People!" This is the big common denominator behind which there will be no way back.
Dear colleagues, dear friends and comrades, the MLPD will do everything in its power to make October 3 a big success.
Strengthen the Monday demonstrations in all cities! They alone decide on their future path.
Criticize publicly the kowtow of the leaders of the DGB unions, ATTAC
and PDS to the Schroeder/Fischer government! Reach out your hand to all
members of these organiza-tions for the unity on the basis of joint
Stick to the goals of the Monday demo movement!
Organize a militant march against the government: the Monday demo
movement is a nationwide political mass demonstration that fights until
Hartz IV has fallen.
Every government, every bourgeois party that supports Hartz IV must
know that it is equally attacked by the Monday demonstrations!
It is necessary that the movement of Monday demonstrations embraces
many hundreds of thousands of people beyond party lines in order to
build up appropriate pressure on the government. It is of crucial
importance that the workers in the factories, currently in particular
those at Opel and Volkswagen, combine their struggle against the
exploitative offensive of the enterprises with the struggle against the
Agenda 2010 and Hartz IV. In turn, the Monday demonstrations must
support the struggles of the workers.
Anyone who supports the demonstration on October 2, objectively pursues
the transfor-mation of the Monday demo movement into a left appendage
of the Schroeder/Fischer government. Anyone who wants to do away with
Hartz IV in full must participate in the march in Berlin on October 3.
United we are strong!
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