Greetings of MLPD to May Day 2008
Among our most important demands are:
Fight mass unemployment at the expense of profits – for the 30-hour workweek with full wage compensation!
Combat mass poverty. Down with the Hartz IV laws and the retirement age of 67. Rise in unemployment benefits for an unlimited period of time. For a legal minimum wage of 10 Euro per hour.
For a full legal right to strike in all matters! For the defense and extension of our democratic rights and liberties! Ban all fascist organizations.
Against the background of the reorganization of the international production, common demands against the international monopolies are uniting us worldwide; our struggles are linking up with each other. The revolts of the masses in many countries against famine are a worldwide denouncement of capitalism. The close fighting community of Marxist-Leninist and other revolutionary forces is indispensable for raising the struggles to a higher level. This is being aspired to and realized more and more.
Take to the streets on May Day !
Workers of all countries, unite !
For a future in genuine socialism !
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