MLPD holds successful Party Congress in Hamburg!
Rote Fahne: We have just been informed that the MLPD has conducted its
8th Party Congress. Can you briefly describe its most important tasks
and results?
Stefan Engel: The 8th Party Congress could look back on
the most successful period of leadership of a central committee since
the founding of the party. Never before did we succeed so well in
lastingly breaking through the relative isolation and in maturing to
become a significant force in the entire society. This had to be
evaluated thoroughly in order to draw conclusions for the future.
we are in a general situation of transition on the basis of the
reorganization of international production. This has brought about
complicated economic and political conditions which are reflected in
the development of class consciousness. The most important development
in class consciousness is the general tendency towards the left, which
has emerged since 2003 among the broad masses, especially in the core
of the industrial proletariat. The party congress had to deal with this
tendency towards the left, analyse the role of the MLPD in this
tendency and declare its position for the future.
The 8th Party
Congress surely has extraordinary significance in the history of the
MLPD because after 13 years it could complete the transition to the
new foundation of party building – the work on the basis of the
proletarian mode of thinking. It showed the great maturity of the
party, its growing fighting power and attraction upon the masses, and
this is especially expressed in the significant increase in membership.
detailed preparation of the party congress also included the founding
of six new regional Land party organizations. After these discussions,
which were held mainly within the party, the organization is eager to
apply the new insights and decisions in practice.
Rote Fahne: Will the MLPD benefit from the tendency towards the left?
Engel: Yes, it certainly will because it is an expression of a growing
openness for a socialist alternative. Today it is a matter of course
again that people speak of capitalism, its profit making, of
exploitation etc. instead of “social market economy”, “social state”
and “social harmony”. The tendency towards the left is a reflection of
the objective development of the historical phase of transition from
capitalism to socialism. This has set in with the reorganization of
international production. It has the effect that the realities and
class contradictions in the development of imperialism are becoming
very prominent and that the masses are increasingly seeking a
societal alternative.
At the same time, it would be an illusion
to regard the tendency towards the left as expression of the
proletarian mode of thinking in general. The tendency towards the left
is a new qualitative stage in the development of class consciousness:
the disengagement of the masses from the bourgeois parties, bourgeois
parliamentarism and its institutions that could be observed for years
has now taken a clear direction against capitalism and its inhumane
profit making. On the other hand, the masses have not yet come to grips
with petty-bourgeois-reformist and petty-bourgeois-revisionist
influences that have developed for decades. So, for example, the
tendency towards the left is often accompanied by the hope of
attaining a social alternative by parliamentary means or of other
solutions within the capitalist system. So, the present tendency
towards the left is not a socialist consciousness, but marks a
transition to such a socialist consciousness, which, however, will not
develop automatically.
Our international guests at the 8th Party
Congress concretely elucidated the fact that the tendency towards the
left and the discussion in connection with it is an international
phenomenon. Especially in Nepal, Venezuela, Ecuador or Bolivia, for
example, progressive anti-imperialist governments have been elected,
replacing the reactionary governments. However, having a progressive
government does not in the least mean having power! On the one hand,
the anti-imperialist governments increase the scope of the
revolutionary anti-imperialist mass movements, while on the other hand
these governments often have a left-reformist and neo-revisionist
basis. They are acting within the framework of the system, are
spreading illusions about being able to overcome the system by means of
reforms. In this way, whether they want to or not, they are objectively
strengthening Illusions about the reformation of the capitalist and
imperialist relations of exploitation. And that at a time when in Latin
America there are more and more signs of counter-revolutionary and
belligerent oppression of the left direction of development. In this
situation, it is especially important to call to mind the lessons of
the bloody massacre in Chile in 1973: There is no way to socialism
without the smashing of the bourgeois state apparatus and the
establishment of the dictatorship of the proletariat! Therefore our
most important conclusion for the work in the coming time is a new
tactical offensive for genuine socialism!
Rote Fahne: How can we imagine this?
Engel: We will use the election year 2009 for this offensive for
genuine socialism. That is why the MLPD will participate in the federal
elections in 2009. In September our regional lists of candidates will
have already been drawn up in all federal states. We will run as
MLPD/Open List, which means that we will open our lists at this
election again to people of the militant opposition who are not aligned
with a party.
The core of this work will be an offensive of
world-outlook for genuine socialism. The masses have to get a positive
and tangible idea of what we understand by “genuine socialism”. And
they have to comprehend – at least roughly – our criticism of the
revisionist degeneration of the old communist movement and the
conclusions drawn by the MLPD. This also applies to our criticism of
the unsuitability of the left-reformist strategy of Lafontaine and his
Left Party.
This ideological offensive is combined with the
establishment and development of the struggle for the most important
economic and political demands of the masses and the promotion of their
diverse forms of organization. At this tactical level there is much
agreement with the Left Party that we also recognize and appreciate.
For example, I am thinking of the demand “Repeal Hartz IV” (law
regulating income support), “Immediate withdrawal of German troops from
Afghanistan” , etc. We will also make use of the particular political
interest of the masses during elections to further work at breaking
through the relative isolation of the MLPD. For this we have to appear
systematically in public and more and more comprehensively become a
factor in the social discussion that can no longer be ignored. In view
of the extensive media blackout regarding the MLPD today, this is still
fore mostly a question of systematic work among the rank and file, the
decisive trump card of the MLPD.
During the last federal elections
our main focus of party building was on the extension of party work to
new cities and regions. We were very successful in this at that time.
This time the main focus will be on strengthening our party work in the
most important economic and political centres. We will attach more
importance to the methods of lastingly recruiting new members,
consolidating and developing new members for assuming higher
responsibility and training functionaries for new functions. Between
the 7th and 8th Party Congress we could experience the great attraction
of the party for the masses with 60 per cent new members. However, we
lost a part of the new members again. The cause of this – apart from
various factors that are outside our influence – is the fact that we
did not attach enough importance to caring for them and training them.
will already start in September with the struggle for our admittance to
the elections, the collection of the necessary signatures of support
etc. This shall take place mainly within the framework of our daily
work among the rank and file, in combination with the various tasks in
class struggle and party building. We will again build up voter action
groups, however first in some regional centres. The actual election
campaign will start in September 2009 and will be marked by an
offensive election campaign on the streets.
The election campaign
and mainly its results in party building will surely be a test of how
the MLPD succeeds in strengthening the revolutionary and socialist
direction within the tendency towards the left.
Rote Fahne: Will the SPD (Social Democratic Party) overcome its crisis?
Engel: The sharp decline of the SPD in the past months was a
breathtaking fact for many observers. In the Forsa opinion poll it had
an approval rating of only 20 per cent, in the federal state Saarland
it was even behind the Left Party.
The fact that Kurt Beck has
failed dismally as the fourth party chairman of the SPD in only five
years is not surprising to me. On the one hand, he tried to polish up
the social image of the SPD, made some minor "corrections" of the
Agenda 2010 for this purpose – in order to retain the core of the
anti-people policy of the Agenda 2010 at the same time. Already at the
end of 2007, the SPD again suffered an open crisis of the party, which
climaxed in the putsch-like replacement of Beck. The reason for the
crisis of social democracy does not lie primarily in the wrong persons
being at the head of the SPD, but in the anti-people policy, which it
can no longer sell to its mass basis among the workers as being a
social policy. As long as there is no change in this respect, the SPD
will not get out of the mess.
With Steinmeier as Minister of the
Chancellory under Schroeder, the architect of the Agenda 2010 has now
been appointed as chancellor election candidate, and Muentefering as
the leading executor of this policy has again been placed at the top
of the party. This is linked to a clear commitment to the open
anti-people Agenda policy that was initiated by Schroeder. It is
interesting to note that up to now they are getting the most applause
for this from the employers’ association.
The party crisis of the
SPD is a fundamental problem for the dictatorship of the monopolies to
wield their power within the framework of bourgeois democracy. It is
the main task of the social democracy to tie the working class to
capitalism. With the “new” old course of the SPD, the process of the
detachment of the working class from the social democracy will
continue in the end.
Rote Fahne: What attitude does the MLPD take towards the Left Party?
Engel: At the parliamentary level, the Left Party is undoubtedly the
main winner of the tendency towards the left at the time. It benefited
mainly from the open party crisis of the SPD and its approval rating in
various opinion polls is presently at 15 per cent. This is almost twice
as much as in the last federal elections in 2005. At the Party
Congress in Cottbus in May 2008, Oskar Lafontaine explained that the
strategic position of his party was to “save democracy”, and “to try
to stop the wheel of capitalism driven by the financial market that is
turning faster and faster”. That means that he does not want to abolish
capitalism, but only “to stop its wheel”, so that it does not rotate
too vigorously. The good electoral results, however, have made leading
representatives of the Left Party dizzy in the ecstasy of success, and
some of them cannot withstand the urge for parliamentary or even
governmental seats. Thus the official party declarations are more and
more marked by the goal to take over the governmental affairs of the
dictatorship of the monopolies jointly with a more left-sounding SPD
and the revitalized Greens. At the same time, this so-called “strategic
option” obviously enhances the inclination of these strategists of the
Left Party toward an intensified anti-communism in a left guise. That
is the price they pay to make themselves presentable – that means, to
be able to govern.
However, the intensified orientation to help the
SPD gain a majority intensifies the contradictions within the Left
Party, especially since a large number of the voters of the Left Party
want a left alternative to the SPD and not the support of such an SPD
from the left. In many places conflicts within the party are
developing, parliamentary groups are breaking up, quarrels and
fundamental contradictions are arising. We also view this development
with concern, because the tendency towards the left can be adversely
affected by driving committed people into resignation. It is difficult
to organize workable alliances under such circumstances.
At our
party congress the phenomenon of the tendency towards the left was
considered to be a transitional phenomenon in the development of class
consciousness that is pressing toward a decision. There are actually
also historical parallels to this, as the rise and fall of the USPD
after the First World War in the 1920s. In this party various critics
of the SPD from Edward Bernstein, Karl Kautsky to Ernst Thaelmann had
come together. In the elections at the beginning of the 1920s, it
obtained 17 per cent of the votes and 84 seats, all of which, however,
were lost in the following elections.
Today the masses have to
come to grips with a deeply rooted petty-bourgeois-reformist and
petty-bourgeois-parliamentary mode of thinking. We have to make an
all-out effort to cooperate with the members and supporters of the Left
Party against mass unemployment, imperialist wars, neo-fascism, in the
struggle for the liberation of women and for socialism on the basis of
the struggle, and do untiring persuasion work on this basis against the
left-reformist and neo-revisionist theories.
Rote Fahne: With the
reorganization in Land leagues and counties in advance of the 8th Party
Congress, the MLPD set itself a lot of tasks. How do you evaluate the
Stefan Engel: The 8th Party Congress became the
climax and relative completion of the reorganization in seven Land
leagues and the founding of new county units. This was combined with
the self-transformation of our systematic rank-and-file work in order
to adapt them to the tasks in class struggle that lie ahead. That cost
us a lot of effort. However, there is no alternative. The MLPD's work
has become more diverse and complex. We have taken on new tasks, but
the masses expect more of our comrades, too. For example, our work in
the environmental issue or our internationalist rank-and-file work were
intensified. We have taken on a lot of tasks in youth work and our
influence in the factories of the international supermonopolies has
developed in quantity and quality. We have begun with parliamentary
work on a municipal level. It was impossible that this developed system
of Marxist-Leninist systematic rank-and-file work in more than 400
cities and regions could be further guided directly by the CC in the
entire country. Because the theoretical and practical tasks of the CC
for the preparation of the international revolution have increased, too.
Germany has a federal system and it is therefore of strategic
significance that we have Land leagues and leadership organs which can
lead our work directly in the regional centres.
The man task
of the Land leadership is the differentiated guidance and control of
the organization's basis. The seven Land leagues could start out from a
high level. For example, we implemented our self-obligation to train
people before they take over new tasks. We worked out three dialectic
courses for this purpose: "Learning the leadership work of the Land
leagues on the foundation of the proletarian mode of thinking".
Hundreds of comrades took part and they are now taking over new
responsibilities. There were a lot of candidates to choose from in all
the democratic elections for the Land bodies. Since the spring of 2006,
more than 50% of our comrades have taken on new tasks! In the coming
years, the new system of intermediate levels and their interpenetration
with the CC aims at the realization of the new organizational-political
guideline to build up county units on a broad front and
Marxist-Leninist youth work as a living school of the proletarian mode
of thinking.
Rote Fahne: What did the party congress discuss regarding the solution of the problem of youth work?
Engel: The 8th Party Congress stated that a trend reversal in
Marxist-Leninist youth work has taken place. Its most important
achievement is certainly the fact that our children’s organisation, the
Red Foxes, developed to become a lively nationwide organisation with
its own leadership. So far, more than 350 comrades participated in the
dialectic seminars on Marxist-Leninist youth work. That was the
foundation for this positive development, but it also made the depth of
the problem evident. The Party Congress discussed that an entire
criticism-self-criticism-campaign is necessary in order to solve the
problems in youth work. An uncontrolled growth has taken place in the
party, also because of the influence of anti-authoritarianism and
bourgeois social education, which pushed our political line on the
issue of the youth aside. Single good beginnings and excellent
initiatives, which in recent years doubtlessly existed repeatedly and
everywhere, are not enough to make sustainable changes. A whole period
of self-transformation of the party, the youth organisation Rebell and
the Red Foxes is necessary to do so.
What we are facing here
is not simply an internal party issue. The youth issue is a
fundamental problem of society. The destructive forces of imperialism
focus on the youth: in child poverty, the lack of perspective, in
disgusting youth culture, youth as cannon fodder or destructive mass
illnesses like ADHD (Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) even
among children. At the same time, youth is searching the most
intensively for a socialist perspective. The approach to this problem
of society reveals the attitude towards the future, towards strategic
questions of class struggle. That is why the self-transformation in
youth work is the key question for the self-change of the entire party
for the future!
Marxist-Leninist youth work must realize a
life school of the proletarian mode of thinking among the masses of the
youth and help them to come to grips with the
petty-bourgeois-antiauthoritarian mode of thinking, primarily a
widespread hostility towards organisation. Young people must become
independent. They should respect physical labor and be open-minded,
become militants and Marxist-Leninists, etc. They shall take over
social responsibility, which is the basic principle in the independent
responsibility of Rebell for the children's and Red-Fox work. It is
also important that young people learn to develop relations among girls
and boys on an equal and open basis, against disgusting sexism which is
widespread in this society. With a fulfilling purpose in life and the
necessary self-confidence they won’t be susceptible to drugs and
Future party building completely depends on Rebell
once again becoming the main reservoir for the recruitment of members
for the MLPD.
Rote Fahne: In 2005 an extraordinary party
congress of the MLPD was held for the first time because of the
serious problems within the Central Control Commission (CCC). How was
the development of the CCC since then?
Stefan Engel: This was
actually a very far-reaching debate! After all, the Central Control
Commission is an essential conclusion of the MLPD as a party of a new
type. The revisionist degeneration and the destruction of socialism in
the Soviet Union since the middle of the 1950s had its origin in the
leadership. This is why there must be a body to independently control
the CC and especially the mode of thinking of the leading party
officers, aside from a functioning control from below and the control
of self of each individual. The necessity of an extraordinary party
congress arose because it was exactly this body, which itself must be a
basic dam against the advancing of the petty-bourgeois mode of
thinking, that became the starting point of negative developments. The
CCC lost its independence in the form of the violation of the guiding
principles of the Control Commission. These took the form of a
heartless treatment of cadres or also by single but grave and
unjustified bureaucratic administrative measures. It is an outstanding
achievement of the MLPD that such negative developments can be
resolved unsparingly, be reviewed and discussed democratically among
the membership. At the same time, the comrades responsible are not
given up hastily and the confidence in them is not withdrawn as long
as clarification is possible. So we managed to overcome the crisis in
the work of the CCC and to achieve a new beginning as a result of the
extraordinary party congress and the new elections of the CCC. The
entire membership gained a deeper understanding of the significance of
the system of self-checking. The 8th Party Congress acknowledged the
CCC for frankly and self-critically revealing their serious mistakes
and being ready and willing for self-transformation so that these
phenomena of petty-bourgeois-bureaucratic control and control of self
will not recur. This was all fully reviewed in the report of the CCC
which is only accountable to the party congress. The report was passed
unanimously and a strengthened CCC was elected. At the same time, the
party congress gave the comrades of the CCC the task and duty of
further working hard on the actual realization of their independent
control. This is above all a big challenge to the proletarian ambition
for the ideological-political initiative, as well as the mastery of the
dialectic method on the level of the doctrine of the mode of thinking.
Any passivity or instability concerning the independence would express
a petty-bourgeois influence, i.e. an insufficient ability to cope with
the petty-bourgeois mode of thinking in any situation. Just like the
comprehensive system of self-checking in the party was the secret of
the rousing and successful party congress, it is the key to come to
grips with all influences of the petty-bourgeois mode of thinking on
the path to the party of the masses.
Rote Fahne: Didn’t the debate with the CCC mean a set-back for the party?
Engel: Not in the final result. Of course the fundamental violations of
the guiding principles of the control commission and the advancing
manifestations of a petty-bourgeois bureaucratic control and control of
self of the CCC were a serious problem with grave mistakes and
consequences, the review of which temporarily made heavy demands on
us. With the review of this problem the party, however, managed to
deeply grasp, to further develop and to expound the system of self
control of the party. This system of self-checking of the party is a
decisive conclusion from the revisionist degeneration of the old
communist movement in which leading cadres of the leadership in party
and economy of the former socialist countries had been seized by the
petty-bourgeois mode of thinking and had developed into a new ruling
class. To prevent such a development the Marxist-Leninist party must
find ways to recognize this on time, to stop it and to correct it. The
system of self-checking of the party has proved to be such an
instrument. It was the masterpiece in the introduction of a new
foundation of party building, and together with the successful debate
concerning the CCC, we can say that the transition to the new
foundation of party building has been completed.
Rote Fahne: What does the transition to the new foundation of party building actually mean?
Engel: The new foundation means that the party has to guarantee at all
times that its leading cadres do their work unselfishly on behalf of
the liberation struggle from exploitation and suppression and not on
petty-bourgeois-egoist or individualist motives. This includes
realizing a dialectic-materialistic mode of thinking and working to
bring about the unity of theory and practice in order to avoid mistakes
and to lend a proletarian character to the party through the entire way
of thinking, feeling and acting. The party has fought through special
methods for this: the concrete analysis of the struggle between the
proletarian and petty-bourgeois mode of thinking among the masses and
in the party; the strategy and tactics in the struggle over the mode of
thinking of the masses and in the international Marxist-Leninist and
workers’ movement; a proletarian culture of debate to treat the
contradictions between the party and the masses correctly.
With the
new foundation of party building not all problems are solved because
the petty-bourgeois mode of thinking can penetrate into the party and
spread again and again due to the prevailing bourgeois ideology in the
capitalist society. The new foundation also cannot repeal the law of
the advancing of the petty-bourgeois mode of thinking and the law of
the two-line struggle. But with the system of self-checking in the
party, we have developed a superior method, so to speak a stronger
power, in order to come to grips with these laws and to defend and
strengthen the proletarian character of the party and to avoid mistakes.
Rote Fahne: Apparently there were also many foreign guests at the Party Congress .
Engel: It was a special honor for us to be able to welcome ten
delegations of the international Marxist-Leninist and working-class
movement from four continents at our Party Congress. The MLPD received
a total of 50 international messages of greetings to its Party Congress
from all over the world. This shows that the Hamburg Party Congress
took place with the active interest of the international
Marxist-Leninist and working-class movement.
international guests were not just witnesses of the Party Congress, but
played an active and constructive role in the consultations, so that a
mutual process of learning took place, which enriched the Party
Congress enormously.
This lead to the Party Congress getting a
special proletarian-internationalist character that gave rise to great
enthusiasm. The strengthening of mutual understanding and the relation
of trust will surely have a positive effect on the development of the
cooperation of the international Marxist-Leninist and revolutionary
organizations for coordinating and revolutionizing the struggles.
the meantime, 27 organizations from all over the world have joined the
initiative of the revolutionary parties and organizations for the
coordination of their work in class struggle and party-building (ICOR).
Here an important new project of practical cooperation on equal terms
for the preparation of the international revolution is developing.
need a very differentiated system of international coordination that
reflects the existence of quite different parties with different
strategic tasks and a different state of development in the
revolutionary class struggle.
The international work will have a higher rank in the work of the party and the new Central Committee.
is also an important basis for the further work on the theoretical
organ Revolutionärer Weg 32-34. The strategy and tactics of the
international revolution can not be derived from bourgeois and
petty-bourgeois literature. They result from the careful study and
theoretical digestion of the living reality of the internationalization
of class struggle and the worldwide experiences in Marxist-Leninist
Rote Fahne: Can we congratulate the former Party Chairman to his re-election?
Engel: The elections to the central bodies were an important climax of
the 8th Party Congress. Never before in its history did the party have
such a large number of able cadres to choose from for its central
bodies, in spite of the elections to the new Land bodies, which had
only taken place a short time previously. This made it difficult for
the delegates to make their decisions. The result was that the
delegates emphasized the combination of continuity in the leadership
work of the Central Committee and new comrades who represent the most
progressed work of the party. The leading comrades of the former
Central Committee were overwhelmingly approved, which showed the
confidence placed in them. My own re-election can be seen in this
connection. The fact that this re-election, which took place in a
secret ballot, was unanimous is especially an expression of the great
approval, the strong alignment, but also of the solidarity of the party
with my leadership work and that of the former Central Committee. And
this is in the face of the shabby slanderous campaigns which were
launched in the Internet, by the intelligence services etc., against
leading comrades of the Central Committee. The entire election
demonstrated the great unity between the Central Committee and the
A strong collective was elected which will represent
and lead the Party in the coming years. In the meantime the
constituting plenary session of the 8th CC has taken place, where I was
elected as the party chairman and Monika Gärtner-Engel as the deputy
party chairwoman. In both cases the elections were by secret ballot and
unanimous. I would like to thank the Party and the Central Committee at
this point for their great trust in the political leadership of the CC,
which will be an important foundation for successfully mastering the
future tasks. One glance at the intrigues and malevolence within the
bourgeois parties suffices in order to understand the fundamental
difference to the MLPD.
The Party Congress called upon the CC
to increase its efforts for the coordination and revolutionization of
the international Marxist-Leninist and working-class movement and to
give special priority to theoretical work. These tasks were taken on by
the constituting plenary session of the CC in the form of a new
leadership structure. Within the coming months it will be most
important that the CC develops its scientific organization of work to
closely interpenetrate the leadership work of the CC with the work of
the new intermediate levels of the party. This cooperation will have to
pass its first crucial test in the new offensive for genuine socialism.
Fahne: "Rote Fahne" has already reported extensively on the 3rd
International Miners' Seminar which took place in Gelsenkirchen at the
end of August. How do you evaluate the seminar in the light of the 8th
Party Congress?
Stefan Engel : The 3rd International Miners`
Seminar was organized by the überparteilich (non-party affiliated)
miners' movement "Miners for AUF" and was very successful. This is
expressed, among other things, by the unanimous acceptance of the
proposal to carry out future meetings not as a miners' seminar, but as
an "international miners' conference". A very natural organic
interpenetration of class-militant miners across national borders with
the revolutionary positions of the Marxist-Leninists took place.
up to 700 participants in the seminar alone, it surmounted by far the
original expectations. If you add the additional visitors of the other
program parts, there were 900 to 1000 participants. Many came in
support of the miners' movement. Many came from other branches, too,
because they wanted to learn from the cross-border coordination and
revolutionization which is quite progressed in the mining industry.
14 delegations including workers' delegations with strike leaders of
important miners' struggles, it had a real internationalist character.
In the miners' cities and towns the seminar had been anchored in the
broad public and had lead to a mass discussion and broad sympathy. More
miners than ever before, together with their families, supported the
realization of the program in different ways and many new
organizational links to active miners were developed.
reformists from the IGBCE leadership reacted very irritably. They
influenced different unions abroad to prevent delegations of their
countries from taking part in the 3rd International Miners' Seminar.
Single cancellations were due to this. This only shows how much the
ruling forces fear the first attempts at this coordination. Most of
all, they want to prevent that their basis for the policy of
class-collaboration takes serious damage, which is especially explosive
in connection with the symptoms of crisis of social democracy. But it
is quite typical that they shun the open debate like the devil shuns
holy water and try to reach their goals by resorting to intrigues and
In the impressive series of meetings and events, the
entire scope of life, the political background and the cultural
interests of the masses were taken into account.
Without the
supporting program, the receptions and the visits to the different
museums and pit housing settlements and, last but not least, the
outstanding miners' theater, the International Miners' Seminar would
not have been able to develop such an attraction and magnetism.
it was also a lesson in the interrelation of party-building and the
promotion of the self-run organizations of the masses, for example
through the membership recruitment among the miners for Solidarity
International. Also, Solidarity International on its part gave
tremendous support for the seminar. It was also very important that the
great significance of the militant women's movement and its
interrelation with proletarian class struggle was successfully made
clear. So subsequently a meeting of 53 women connected with mining took
place and they agreed to continue with the consultations at the Women's
Political Counsel.
Rote Fahne: One highlight of the
international movement will be the Women's Political Counsel at the
beginning of October in Duesseldorf. What priority has the 8th Party
Congress given to women's work?
Stefan Engel : The 8th Party
Congress had to strike the balance with regard to the unmistakable
instructions of the last Party Congress to overcome the stagnation in
women's work as well as a decline in the percentage of female
membership. This has undoubtedly been successfully accomplished in the
meantime; with its 43 percent female membership, the MLPD once again
ranks first among all parties in Germany. The MLPD is working
continuously at promoting women in the party, as well as in promoting
the militant women's movement in Germany and internationally. A
remaining deficit was critically examined , namely to really win a mass
of women for organized work. The political and economical development
actually increases the double exploitation and oppression of the
masses of women ! 71 percent of the so-called „non-typical employed“ -
mini-jobs, agency work, time-work and part-time jobs below 20 hours and
mostly in low-paid jobs – are women ! Rampant sexism is now attacking
the self-confidence of young women and girls. The Women's Political
Counsel, which will take place from the 3 -5 October in Duesseldorf, as
well as the preparatory process for World Women's Conference 2011 in
Venezuela, are outstanding platforms for the development of a real
mass women's movement. These initiatives are exactly right in a
situation in which women make up an ever more important part of the
international industrial proletariat and the militant mass movements.
For growing masses of people living in poverty, the crisis of the
bourgeois family system in the imperialist countries is really
developing into an absence of family. In this situation which cries for
a militant women's movement, the petty-bourgeois feminists in the
international women's movement in many non-governmental organizations
have unmasked themselves as lackeys of the imperialists and have
exhausted themselves in ineffective lobbying in the UN, World Bank and
IMF. Especially on this background, the idea of a World Women's
Conference of rank and file women has already taken a successful trip
around the world.
The decisive touchstone for Marxist-Leninist
educational work is its contribution to a militant mass women's
movement in one's own country that is learning to lead the worldwide
struggle for the liberation of women as part of the preparation of the
international socialist revolution. In the final stage of the
preparations for the 8th Women's Political Counsel, the MLPD commits
itself energetically to it becoming a great success, as well as for the
enduring result of a strengthened militant women's movement.
Rote Fahne: What tasks is the MLPD currently facing?
Engel: At first it is important that the entire party studies the
results of the Hamburger Party Congress thoroughly and puts them into
practice systematically and constructively. First of all, the focus
lies on the coverage and the concentrated studies and discussion of the
results. The main danger currently results from an underestimation of
the 8th Party Congress and its resolutions.
We are going to
conduct seven regional events “90 Years November Revolution and the
Hamburger Party Congress of MLPD” between the end of October and
beginning of November in our new Land party branches to anchor the
results of the Party Congress. The November Revolution in 1918 failed
mainly because of the absence of a revolutionary party which was
experienced in battles, toughened and tightly linked to the masses,
armed with scientifically firm strategy and tactics. That made it
easier for the reactionary leaders of the social democrats to betray
the proletarian revolution and direct it toward the bourgeois National
Assembly and to a defeat. The failure of the November Revolution
stopped the process of the international revolution which began with
the October Revolution in Russia. The worker’s movement needs to study
the experiences of the November Revolution and to draw its
consequences. From the very beginning it was an incentive for the MLPD
not to subside in its endeavours in party building.
having established the necessary inner conditions, we need to direct
the highest attention to the development to the party of the masses. It
is mainly the result of the all-over interrelations between an
ideologically-politically consolidated party, that is organizationally
strong, with powerful self-run organizations of the masses.
focus of our party work in November and December will be the
furtherance of the active resistance against the global climate
catastrophe. The dramatic consequences of the beginning transition to
the global environmental catastrophe are becoming increasingly evident.
Today the very foundation of the lives of millions of people are being
destroyed, evidenced by the cyclones in the Caribbean and the floods in
India. On the international level, Merkel government gives the
appearance of being a pioneer in the question of climate protection.
Essentially, under the guise of "environmental protection", the
interests of German imperialism are being massively enforced. That is
not environmental protection, but imperialist ecologism! For mankind
active resistance to save the environment from the greed for profit is
a question of survival. In this period of time we are going to continue
to enliven our political work in ecology, popularize our line in
environmental policy and promote alliances that participate in the
worldwide Climate Action Day on December 8th. We also want to use our
international contacts to advance the worldwide coordination of this
The lesson to be learned out of the failure of the old
environmental movement under the leadership of the Greens is that the
hostility against the workers' movement and the anti-communism, shaped
by the Greens, lead into a dead-end. Workers must and will become the
head of this movement, for they are the bearer of the most advanced
productive forces which also make it possible to solve the
environmental questions.
We will found new party groups which
focus on the environmental work. The environmental issue is an
inseparable part of the struggle of the masses and the workers for
their vital interests, and thereby a component of the rank-and-file
work of MLPD in the neighborhoods and on the main line of struggle in
factories and trade union as well.
We attach greatest
importance to the Environmental Counsel in June 2009, for which the
„Citizens' Movement for Cryo-Recycling and total-loop recycling“ took
the initiative. We expect new impulses to emerge there for building up
the militant environmental movement and will support that process as
well as we are able. The militant environmental movement urgently needs
corresponding forms of organization to develop the necessary
Beginning at the middle of December, we will be
concentrating on the all-round consolidation of MLPD and be conducting
party recruitment weeks,. The mobilization, especially among the youth,
for the biggest European rally for socialism, the activities in
commemoration of the assassination of Karl Liebknecht and Rosa
Luxemburg on January 11 in Berlin, is one component. At the beginning
of the new year, the group general membership meetings and the local
and county delegates‘ conferences of MLPD are going to be held, where
the work is to be evaluated in the light of the party congress results
and the new tactical offensive for genuine socialism in 2009 will be
conceived and projected.
From spring to early summer 2009, we want
to focus on the preparation and conduct of the Whitsun Youth Festival
in connection with extending the system of Marxist-Leninist youth work
as life school of the proletarian mode of thinking. I expect a
nationwide impulse for the organized rebellion of youth and children
subsequent to the International Whitsun Youth Festival 2009.
in the summer 2009, the offensive for genuine socialism linked with the
participation at the federal elections comes to the fore. The all-sided
preparation of the elections and the building of a broad election
campaign auxiliary movement is to result in a powerful four-week long
election campaign in September.
Good luck and thank you very much for the interview!
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