May 30, 2005: MLPD candidates for national elections all over the country
Red Flag: In your interview one week ago you
announced that the MLPD will participate in the national parliamentary
elections and you spoke about the forthcoming process of forming an
opinion about the way of candidacy within the party. How far did this
process proceed and what is the current state of decision?
Stefan Engel:
Since PDS, WASG and Oskar Lafontaine did not react on our offer to take
part in a left election alliance we decided to run for the national
parliamentary elections independently.
We will run for the
elections in all federal states of Germany all over the country and in
addition we will nominate direct candidates in some crucial areas. When
we run for the elections we invite friendly representatives of
self-organized organizations from the work among women and the trade
unions as well as from the Monday demonstrations and from the
environmental movement to stand as candidates on our lists. The
MLPD/Open List understands its election campaign as a support of the
broad unification of the militant opposition against the anti-people
gorvermental policy and it stands for the perspective of genuine
Red Flag: What has turned out of the proposal to form a left electoral alliance?
Stefan Engel:
The MLPD immediately took up the proposal of Oskar Lafontaine to form a
left electoral alliance and made constructive suggestions on how to
realize a broad union on the basis of equal rights. The heads of PDS
and WASG ignored this and the negotations were reduced to these two
organisations from the very beginnning. An alliance excluding the MLPD
as the party of genuine socialism is not really a broad alliance but
just a half measure without a revolutionary perspective.
I do not
completely exclude such an alliance to be formed at all but I doubt it
strongly that it will come about. Not only for reasons of time or
electoral laws but also for political reasons. The three regional units
of the WASG in Mecklenburg-West Pomerania, Thuringia and Saxony demand
the immediate breaking off of the talks. On the one hand, because no
single WASG member from the rankd and file or a party congress has been
authorized for holding such talks, and on the other hand because the
PDS in Mecklenburg-West Pomerania and in Beriln together with the SPD
participates in the implementation of the Hartz-IV decisions.
Furthermore there is strong opposition within the PDS, too, e.g. to the
idea of including the party in a so-called election party, because this
would bring about various disadvantages. Party tactical and party
egoistical motives are more or less taking priority on both sides, by
which the existing expectations of growing number of people searching
for a left alternative will be disapointed. The PDS and WASG must
accept responsibility for that. Furthermore the heads of WASG and PDS
are nurturing and spreading anticommunist reservations among other
things against the MLPD. With this they boycott a serious left
cooperation that would be a farce without the openness to genuine
The MLPD is still prepared for cooperation on the basis of struggle and
of equal rights against the Agenda 2010. But for understandable reasons
we will now have to fight for our admission to the elections at full
steam, for which we have to collect about 40,000 support signatures in
16 federal states and fin a number of direct constituencies.
Red Flag: Currently the bourgeois media is full of speculations about
the way of the road towards re-elections and the question when and how
Schröder asks for a vote of confidence. What does the MLPD think about
this whole scenario?
Stefan Engel:
The asking for a vote of confidence intended to be carried out on 1
June by the chancellor is a parliamentary farce of the first order.
Actually, the Schröder/Fischer government has long since lost the
confidence of the masses of the people. Why then asking for a vote of
confidence? The governmental coalition is at the and of its tether and
the contradictions within are intensifying reaching the point among the
Greens of considering the withdrawal of their ministers from the
government. The government has reached the end of the line and the best
way to hold re-elections is its immediate resignation!
That would
at least be an honest step and one could do without nonsensical
parliamentary rituals like the “constructive vote of no confidence”
etc. By the way, this would save quite a lot of taxes for superfluous
sessions and that sort of things. Considering the short time for of the
election campaign with the probable election date of 18 September I
additionally demand to immediately suspend the obligation to collect
ten thousands of support signatures by parties not being represented in
the Lower House of Parliament. That has always been an obstruction of
the election campaigns that will now have a much stronger impact under
the conditions of the early “lightning election campaign”. The
undemocratic five percent clause must be abolished, too, with the aid
of which the Hartz-IV parties try to be by themselves in the Parliament
as well as a whole lot of further obstructions of the elections. At the
same time in this parliamentary elections campaign one must put a stop
to the financial and media support of fascist parties and
organizations. They must not be admitted to the elections!
Red Flag: Angela Merkel is running for the chancellorship as the first ever female candidate in the history of the Federal Republic of Germany. In spite of all the rejection of the policy of the CDU - isn’t this also a contribution to realizing the equal rights of women?
Stefan Engel: Being a woman and coming from the new federal states Angela Merkel was long since disputed as a candidate for the chancellorship within the ranks of the arch-conservative CDU/CSU. No she asserted herself in the power struggle within the party. I dare to doubt that this is a constribution on the road towards the liberation of women or overcoming the division between East and West. Mrs. Merkel will more likely follow in Margret Thatcher’s footsteps and her anti-worker, anti-woman and anti-union course in Great Britain in the 80ies. By the way, in the MLPD it is a rule that women take over responsible positions in the party - that is an exception within the CDU/CSU. We have biggest proportion of women compared to all parties in Germany and we on our lists there are competent male and female representatives of the working class and people’s movement from East and West Germany. Our members are proud of both things!
Red Flag: It is an amitious aim of the MLPD to run for the elections all over Germany. How does the MLPD intend to collect the required signatures for hat?
Stefan Engel:
Already at the evening of the elections for the federal state
parliament in North Rhine-Westphalia and the admission of defeat by
Schröder we have called for convening the delegates assemblies to draw
up the regional lists. That means we will start to collect signatures
already next week and we want to conclude this in a concentrated work
until 01 August 2005 as far as possible. The MLPD has units and members
in all regions, but its forces spread unevenly in the individual
federal states. The CC has elaborated a comprehensive plan to organize
mutual support among the individual regional units or cities. Of
course, the big regional units like those in Baden-Württemberg and
North Rhine-Westphalia as well as the developed district units must do
the main support work in the smaller districts. We also call upon all
non-partisan sympathizers to support as campaigner the admission of the
MLPD to the elections. We will build up electoral initiatives
everywhere where non-partisan people or members of other parties,
initiatives or alliances can cooperate on the basis of equal rights. We
assume that the movement of election helpers will be many times bigger
than the current membership of MLPD and Rebell.
At the same time
the joint election campaign offers the opportunity to learn to now the
work of the MLPD better and to possibly decide to become a member. Our
goal is to win several hundreds of new members for the party and for
the Rebell in the course of the campaign. Up to now we have managed in
all election campaigns of the MLPD to strengthen the party sustainably.
I assume that the situation today is even more favourable then in all
the campaigns before because the people have become more open-minded
about us and the MLPD is much better known today and because a close
collaboration especially with the industrial workers has developed that
especially resulted in the coporate-wide struggles at Siemens,
DaimlerChryler or Opel. The MLPD has made a name for itself in the
nationwide Monday demonstration movement, in the environmental
movement, in the struggle for peace or in the antifascist struggle.
People associated with the MLPD and the relations of the MLPD
With the masses are many times bigger as at the last elections in which
we participated. An last but not least we also increased our membership
and developed our organization considerably compared to former times.
In this respect the election campaign is taking place on another, new
level. Our intention is not only to participate in the election
campaign, but also to intervene conspicuously in the public debate of
the election campaign. We have to reckon with the possibility that the
bourgeois media and parties are working towards in the first place the
so-called crucial election of Schröder or Merkel and report at most
about the PDS and the Election Alternative on the left side. However,
we represent a comprehensive alternative to the whole range of the old
parties regarding the style and content. For this reason our whole
election campaign will focus on the election campaign in the streets.
We have planned no meeting in rooms during the entire election
campaign, at most rallies, regular meetings of the election groups and
of course our concluding election parties.
Last but not least we have advanced the donation campaign for 500,000
Euro adopted already before for the party building of the MLPD, in
order to finance the election campaign among other things. There is an
immense readiness within the party and outside the party to support
this offensive for genuine socialism and commit oneself for it. Many
members and supporters have already postponed their holidays and
offered their services especially using the holiday time to participate
intensively in the election campaign. Such an initiative of one’s own
is in fact necessary for coping with the comprehensive, courageous
program. The party is standing unanimously behind the decision of the
Central Committee. Time is ripe for making a big step forward in party
building and in strengthening the militant opposition.
Red Flag: Is there not the danger of overtaxing the forces or attaching too much importance to parliamentary activity?
Stefan Engel:
The most important political activity of the masses is still the
participation in the elections. It would be totally unrealistically and
secterian to ignore this political approach of the broad masses of the
population, even though elections do not change the world. Parliament
is still a central instrument of deception designed to deceive the
masses about the dictatorship of the monopolies.
The fact that in
the last years there was a trend towards a decline in the participation
in the participation in the elections has less to do with a
depoliticization, but rather with the political detachment of the
masses from the bourgeois parties, from praliamentarism and its
institutions. Ou election campaign is necessary to give many the people
who are looking for orientation a new perspective and to make it
possible for them to play an active part. All this will strengthen the
party and the militant opposition. There is no alternative for a
serious revolutionary party that wants to play a role on the national
level to accepting this challenge.
At the same time we have to be take care that to strictly concentrate
our forces and check, transform, postpone or even cancel our plans for
the future. We have to completely focus on this work, and if we do so
it will be a a feasible task. The party is experienced enough to start
the election campaign quickly and will immediately prove its ability of
of conducting campaigns. Before all the bourgeois have made up their
minds we will already appear in public unmistakably. Without the
support of the bourgeois media and their sponsors giving millions the
bourgeois parties would hardly be in a position to keep pace with our
election campaign in the streets. This is an important message for all
those people who are no more ready to support with their votes the old
parties with their failed policies. An open political crisis which
exists today has always too aspects: those in power can no longer rule
in the old way and those being ruled are no longer willing to let
themselves be ruled in the old way.
However, it is also a search for a way out and in this search the MLPD
must unmistakably play a part with the perspective of genuine
socialism. It is out of question that the alternative to the
Schröder-Fischer government would only be a Merkel-Westerwelle
government or perhaps a left reformist WASG and PDS which are only
dreaming of returning to the old social democratic policy before
Schröder. This is no more sufficient for the people and for this reason
I reckon that there will be good chances that our project of an
offensive for genuine socialism will achieve great success.
Red Flag: Thank you very much.
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