25th Anniversary of the MLPD - 25 Years of a Socialist Alternative
International Seminar
Thursday, August 2nd - Friday, August 3rd, 2007, 8.30 a.m. - 6.00 p.m. on
both days
The reorganization of international production and the preparation of the international socialist revolution
Zeche Katharina Coalmine, Essen-Kray, Zeche Katharina Straße 14, Kumkapi Auditorium
The seminar "The reorganization of international
production and the preparation of the international socialist revolution"
is a seminar of the MLPD with international participation. Anyone who
wants to participate in clarifying these fundamental issues is heartily
welcomed. Workers, young people, experts and interested persons, members
and functionaries of the MLPD will discuss with representatives of the
international working-class movement on the basis of equal rights.
The three topics are:
- The most important changes due to the reorganization of international production
- The interaction between the national and international class struggle
- International solidarity
Big anniversary celebration
Saturday, August 4th, 2007, 1 p.m. - 12 p.m.
Discussion rounds - information - presentations - cultural and culinary program - speech of the Chairman of the MLPD, Stefan Engel - Revue "25 Years MLPD - Setting out for new times" - afterwards, dance.
Rhein-Ruhr Auditorium, Duisburg, Walter-Rathenau -Straße 1
The big anniversary celebration of the MLPD. In the
afternoon program you can get to know the diverse work of the MLPD among
the youth, in the neighbourhoods, factories and trade unions, etc. There
will be discussion forums of the MLPD with international guests on Eastern
Europe, Nepal, Venezuela, as well as all of Latin America, and on the
Middle East. The evening program begins at 6.30 p.m. It focuses on the
speech of the Chairman of the MLPD, Stefan Engel, and the revue
""25 Years MLPD - Setting out for new times". Dancing will
start at 10 p.m.
Antifascist commemoration with international
Sunday, August 5th, 2007, 3.15 p.m., tours begin at 2 p.m.
Commemoration, short speech and culture
Former concentration camp Buchenwald near Weimar (Thüringen)
At 2 p.m. and at 4 p.m. there will be guided tours around the memorial within this framework.
The MLPD is deeply rooted in the active resistance of the communists
against Hitlerite fascism and promotes proletarian internationalism.
People coming from almost 50 nations were detained in Buchenwald. Here the
fascists murdered the Chariman of the Communist Party of Germany (KPD)
Ernst Thälmann in 1944. Resistance in Buchenwald was led by the so-called
"small Internationale", a committee of prisoners working
undercover. While the US troops were advancing toward the camp, the
prisoners of Buchenwald overpowered the SS-troops which were in the
process of dissolution. In this way, they had liberated themselves.
Prices (in euros)
Advance sale:
Entrance fee complete from Thursday to Saturday
50 euros
Reduced fee complete for students, people with Hartz-IV,
etc. from Thursday to Saturday
25 euros
Solidarity price complete from Thursday to Saturday
75 / 100 euros
These complete prices all include: 3 entrance fees, 3 meals and a bus ticket for the joint journey to Essen and Duisburg. In these prices we adhere to the principle "our strength lies in solidarity". Therefore the trip to the celebrations is contained in the total price, regardless of how far away you may live.
At the box-office:
Ticket for the international seminar
15 euros
Ticket for the big anniversary celebration 15 euros
Evening ticket for the big celebration
6 euros
Lunch each day
3.50 euros
The trip to Buchenwald on Sunday will be charged extra. Entrance to the
memorial is free of charge.
Help to finance the celebrations by buying solidarity tickets and "miles and more" donation coupons for 5, 10 and 20 euros to finance the traveling expenses of our international guests.
Registration, tickets and donation coupons at the local contact addresses or party offices of the MLPD or at the National Office of the MLPD, Schmalhorststraße 1c, 45899 Gelsenkirchen.
For more information call ++49 +209 951940
- International Seminar, Thursday, August 2nd and Friday, August 3rd 2007in Essen
- Big anniversary celebration, Saturday, August 4th, 2007 in Duisburg
- Antifascist commemoration, Sunday, August 8th, 2007 in the former
concentration camp Buchenwald
National Office of the MLPD
Schmalhorststraße 1c, 45899 Gelsenkirchen.
Telephone: 0209 951940
E-mail: info@mlpd.de,
Internet: www.mlpd.de
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