Declaration of the MLPD for the Day of Action at Airbus/EADS on 16 March 2007
Marxist-Leninist Party of Germany - MLPD
Central Committee Department of Internationalism
Internationalism Schmalhorststr. 1 c, D-45899 Gelsenkirchen
Germany Phone: ++49 (209) 951940/Fax: ++49 (209) 9519460
15 March 2007
Declaration of the MLPD for the Day of Action at Airbus/EADS on 16 March 2007
In a Combative Spirit and European-wide against „Power 8" - Solidarity in the Struggle for Each and Every Job
On 16th March 2007, the workers of Airbus/EADS will demonstrate and go on strike together in six European countries against the exploitation and job cut program „Power 8". The central rally in Germany will take place in Hamburg and it will become one of the city’s biggest rallies in post-war history. A memorable day for the European working-class movement. The MLPD strongly supports this action beyond national borders. It is a victory of class solidarity over the competition between the particular locations of production, which only splits and weakens the workforce. The corporation bosses can break the workforce of a single plant or location of production, but the entire European workforce that stands together with their families and with the support of the population is a powerful force. More than ever, the forward-looking slogan of Karl Marx applies: „Workers of all countries, unite!"
„Power 8" - a program for the maximization of exploitation
„Power 8" - this is the name that the leadership of the corporation of EADS/Airbus has given to its program of cutting the workforce by 22,000 people and, at the same time, increasing productivity by 16 per cent. The workers of the big international supermonopolies all know similar programs under different names. The purpose is always the same: increasing profits in order to be in the lead in the struggle for a top position on the world market. EADS/Airbus boss Louis Gallois has openly called this „cash maximization".
Today, in the aircraft construction industry only two competitors are fighting for the domination of the world market. They are fused with the various state apparatuses in the respective countries in an especially conspicuous way and both gain maximum profits. However, this is not sufficient for them any more at the present stage of international capitalist production. The capitalist law of the accumulation of capital imposes a mutual battle of annihilation on them for the domination of the world market. This has driven the workers of Airbus/EADS and of Boeing, as well as the workers of the respective suppliers, who construct the most modern high-tech aircrafts, into an unprecedented mutual competition. They are supposed to play the role of cannon fodder on this battlefield. This also exposes the fundamental lie of Angela Merkel about the so-called „high-tech jobs with a guaranteed future". In capitalism there are no secure jobs!
The road to the working-class offensive!
The struggle for jobs and vocational training posts at Airbus/EADS must be led with determination and at the expense of profits. When the company management laments that "a strike will harm Airbus", they actually only mean the Airbus profits, not the wages, jobs or the social rights of the workforce. A European-wide strike would drive the company management and governments deeper into the political defensive and can bring "Power 8 " to fall completely. Such a strike would gain enormous sympathy and support because it aims at the working-class offensive and no longer subordinates itself to the profit interests of reactionary monopoly capitalists. The Airbus/EADS workforce could so set a positive signal for the working-class in all of Europe, which is facing similar issues.
The country needs new politicians!
At the rally of the metal workers’ union IGM in Hamburg, the minister-presidents of the four "Airbus federal states" will be speaking. However, these are all representatives of the grand coalition in Berlin. They are the ones who have approved "Power 8" and have been enthusiastic about its "nationwide balance". In the 1990’s the role of the state changed to become a service provider for the international monopolies. These politicians have subordinated themselves completely to this purpose. Airbus profits are sacred to them and their claims of support for the workforce are hypocritical. The grand coalition and the respective federal state governments are implementing policies of job cutbacks in public service themselves.
So what are they doing at such a protest rally? Who should actually speak instead are the militant workforce representatives in order to ensure mutual solidarity in this struggle! The MLPD will do everything possible to organize support and solidarity for the struggle of the Airbus/EADS workforce. In the struggle for jobs, the MLPD takes a stand especially for the 30-hour workweek with full wage compensation from Monday to Friday. And for a full and legal right to strike in all matters, which does not exist in Germany as it does in other countries, for example in France.
For the struggle for jobs we need strong, militant, democratic and non-party affiliated trade unions. Trade unions, which do not show consideration for the SPD in the government by leaving their fists in their pockets. The Metal Workers Union and other DGB trade unions (Federation of German Trade Unions) need a lot of new and active members to achieve this goal!
Become active for the future yourselves!
Revolutionary politics in the interest of the working class require a strong revolutionary party. We invite everyone who wants to help in overcoming capitalist exploitation and oppression to inform him- or herself and become a member of the MLPD. In a socialist society, the means of production will be common ownership of all of the working people. Production will no longer serve the profits of only a few. The material and cultural needs of the people are the central goal of production in genuine socialism.
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