CATASTROPHE ALERT! What Is To Be Done Against the Willful Destruction of the Unity of Humanity and Nature?

In Kooperation zwischen dem Verlag Neuer Weg und dem nepalesischen Verlag "Yugjyoti Pracashan PVT Limited" in Kathmandu wurde die englische Ausgabe des Buches "Katastrophenalarm! Was tun gegen die mutwillige Zerstörung der Einheit von Mensch und Natur?“ von Stefan Engel herausgegeben.


An ever increasing number of local and regional ecological catastrophes plague humanity. They are symptoms of an environmental crisis which is in the process of transforming at an accelerated pace into a global environmental catastrophe.


As their chief causes are to be found in the capitalist profit system, the environmental question today calls for a society-changing struggle. This is why we need a new environmental movement which draws a clear dividing line to imperialist environmentalism and organizes its ranks. Militantly, purposefully and on a global scale it must confront the willful destruction of the natural foundations of life by those in power.


The book‘s polemics are intentional. Taking an unequivocal position it intervenes in the debate over the strategy how to resolve the environmental issue.




Engel, Stefan

Stefan Engel, born in 1954, is a trained mechanic and works today as a free publicist. Since 1968 he has been actively involved in the building of the MLPD, and since 1975 has been one of its leading representatives. From the late 1980s up until 2016 he held positions of responsibility in the international revolutionary working-class movement. mehr


Book edition

316 pages

Price: 13,00 € (paperback)

8,00 € (2nd choice)

ISBN: 978-3-88021-403-3



Price: 10,99 €

ISBN: 978-3-88021-415-6



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subsciption eBook edition