New Perspectives for the Liberation of Women - A Polemical Treatise

Women have developed a new self-confidence owing particularly to their involvement in social production and in the different social movements. This has again enhanced public awareness off the struggle for their liberation. The two authors, Monika Gärtner-Engel and Stefan Engel, intend their polemical treatise as a contribution to this societal discussion. At the same time they take an uncompromising stand for the liberation of women in a society freed from exploitation and oppression.



I. The Social Foundations of the Special Exploitation and Oppression of Women in Capitalism

  1. Production and Reproduction of Immediate Life as Fundamental Law of the Historical Development of Mankind
  2. The Double Exploitation of the Masses of Wage- and Salary-Dependent Women
  3. The Bourgeois State and Family System
  4. The Special Oppression of Women and the Role of Bourgeois Tradition and Morality in Capitalist Society
  5. The Development of Petty-Bourgeois Family Relations on a Mass Scale in the FRG after the Second World War
  6. State Institutionalization of the Petty-Bourgeois Feminist Mode of Thinking
  7. The Chronic Crisis of the Bourgeois Family System


Collection of Important Quotations on the Subject

II. Proletarian and Bourgeois Women’s Movements

  1. Marx and Engels Found the Proletarian Women’s Movement
  2. The Bourgeois Women’s Movement and the Bourgeois Women’s Organizations
  3. Rise and Decline of the Petty-Bourgeois Women’s Movement of the 1970’s
  4. Reformist and Revisionist Parties and Organizations as Heirs to Petty-Bourgeois Feminism
  5. The Development of the Trade Union Women’s Movement
  6. The Independently Organized Women’s Movement Unites the Masses of Women in the Struggle for a Liberated Society
  7. The International Women’s Movement as Major Force in the Struggle for Liberation from Imperialist Exploitation and Oppression

III. Socialism and the Struggle for the Liberation of Women

  1. Beginnings of the Liberation of Women in the Paris Commune
  2. Socialist Society and the Struggle for the Liberation of Women
  3. Revisionist Distortions of Marxism-Leninism in the Women’s Issue
  4. The Struggle of the Communist Party of China Against Revisionism in the Work Among Women
  5. Opportunist Influences and Sectarian Mistakes in the Old Communist and Working-Class Movement
  6. True Überparteilich Character as Basis of the Independent and Militant Self-Organization of Women
  7. The Struggle of the Marxist-Leninists for the Mode of Thinking of the Masses of Women



Engel, Stefan

Stefan Engel, born in 1954, is a trained mechanic and works today as a free publicist. Since 1968 he has been actively involved in the building of the MLPD, and since 1975 has been one of its leading representatives. From the late 1980s up until 2016 he held positions of responsibility in the international revolutionary working-class movement. mehr

Gärtner-Engel, Monika

Monika Gärtner-Engel is MLPD Internationalism Secretary and Main Coordinator of the revolutionary world organization ICOR. mehr


Book edition

308 pages

Price: 16,50 €

ISBN: 978-9937-2-7357-2


RW No. 27 edition

Price: 9,50 €

ISBN: 978-3-88021-279-4


RW No. 28 edition

Price: 9,00 €

ISBN: 978-3-88021-283-1



Price: 12,99 €

ISBN: 978-3-88021-422-4


more about Monika Gärtner-Engel


more about Stefan Engel


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subscription RW No. 27 edition

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