New Perspectives for the Liberation of Women - A Polemical Treatise
I. The Social Foundations of the Special Exploitation and Oppression of Women in Capitalism
- Production and Reproduction of Immediate Life as Fundamental Law of the Historical Development of Mankind
- The Double Exploitation of the Masses of Wage- and Salary-Dependent Women
- The Bourgeois State and Family System
- The Special Oppression of Women and the Role of Bourgeois Tradition and Morality in Capitalist Society
- The Development of Petty-Bourgeois Family Relations on a Mass Scale in the FRG after the Second World War
- State Institutionalization of the Petty-Bourgeois Feminist Mode of Thinking
- The Chronic Crisis of the Bourgeois Family System
Collection of Important Quotations on the Subject
II. Proletarian and Bourgeois Women’s Movements
- Marx and Engels Found the Proletarian Women’s Movement
- The Bourgeois Women’s Movement and the Bourgeois Women’s Organizations
- Rise and Decline of the Petty-Bourgeois Women’s Movement of the 1970’s
- Reformist and Revisionist Parties and Organizations as Heirs to Petty-Bourgeois Feminism
- The Development of the Trade Union Women’s Movement
- The Independently Organized Women’s Movement Unites the Masses of Women in the Struggle for a Liberated Society
- The International Women’s Movement as Major Force in the Struggle for Liberation from Imperialist Exploitation and Oppression
III. Socialism and the Struggle for the Liberation of Women
- Beginnings of the Liberation of Women in the Paris Commune
- Socialist Society and the Struggle for the Liberation of Women
- Revisionist Distortions of Marxism-Leninism in the Women’s Issue
- The Struggle of the Communist Party of China Against Revisionism in the Work Among Women
- Opportunist Influences and Sectarian Mistakes in the Old Communist and Working-Class Movement
- True Überparteilich Character as Basis of the Independent and Militant Self-Organization of Women
- The Struggle of the Marxist-Leninists for the Mode of Thinking of the Masses of Women