Comments on the book

“This book by Stefan Engel is remarkably intelligent. It is visionary. In a rousing, intelligent language it shows the way to the revolutionary overcoming of the cannibalistic world order. Stefan Engel deserves my solidarity and admiration.”

Prof. Jean Ziegler, bestselling author and longtime UN Special Rapporteur on the Right to Food


“There are changes and developments in the structure of imperialism which the international proletariat must be very

much aware of. … Stefan Engel's book is the result of a deep and systematic study of the current period from a Marxist-Leninist standpoint. It opens up a debate which will be a great enrichment for the theoretical arsenal of the international proletariat, for the strategy and tactics of the proletarian international revolution, the building of Marxist-Leninist parties and the unity of the international revolutionary and Marxist-Leninist movement.”

Ludovico, Secretary General of the Marxist-Leninist Party of Peru


“Anyone who believes that our world and our lives are too good to be wasted through famine, environmental disasters,

job destruction and unjust wars must not miss reading Dawn of the International Socialist Revolution. This book elaborates scientifically how and at which points Marxist-Leninists, workers and other working people and the oppressed can set about to defeat international finance capital. Dawn encourages, presents visions. It's grippingly and intelligibly written.”

Anne Pfisterer, Metalworkers’ Union works council member, ThyssenKrupp Steel Europe


“It is with great pleasure that we publish the book Dawn of the International Socialist Revolution by Stefan Engel in

continuation of the publication of his earlier book Twilight ofthe Gods – Gotterdammerung over the “New World Order” byus in March 2010. …

The work envisages the urgent need for forging proletarian internationalism against internationalized finance capital through the global interaction of national and international class struggle. As a contribution to the Marxist-Leninist literature pertaining to the contemporary world situation, it is our hope that the republishing of the book in India will deepen the debate and achieve more clarity on the laws of motion of financecapital in the latest phase of crisis-ridden imperialism.”

September 2011

Massline Publication, India, Publisher’s Note



580 pages, hardcover


English ed. 2011 in India by
Massline Publication
low-priced edition


Price: 14,80 €

ISBN 978-3-88021-389-0


Summary of the contents

Comments on the book


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