Preface | ................... |
Introduction | ................... |
Part I: Essential Changes in the Political Economy of Imperialism |
1. The Building of International Monopolies |
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2. The Battle of the International Monopolies for the World Market |
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3. The Development of Food Production Under the Dictates of the International Monopolies |
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4. The Emergence of an International Industrial Proletariat |
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5. Changes in the Class Structure as a Result of the Internationalization of Capitalist Production |
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6. International Big Banks as Driving Force of the Internationalization of Capitalist Production |
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7. The Role of the Stock Exchange in the Process of the Internationalization of Capital |
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8. The Reign of Finance Capital over the World Economy |
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9. The People’s Republic of China – A Rising Social-Imperialist Power |
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II: The Reorganization of International Production Ushers in a
New Phase
1. The Breakdown of the Soviet Union Against the Background of the Internationalization of the Capitalist Production |
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2. The Fifth Investment Period of State-Monopoly Capitalism in the FRG |
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3. Exploitation Offensive as Basis of the Reorganization of International Production |
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4. The Reorganization of International Production |
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5. The International Monopolies Undermine the Role and Function of the National States |
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6. Sweeping Privatization of State-Owned Enterprises and Facilities |
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7. The Chronic Crisis of State Finances and the Redistribution of National Income |
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8. Changes in State Subsidy Policy as Exemplified by Ruhrkohle AG |
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9. The European Union as Instrument of the International Monopolies |
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10. International Forms of Organization of Finance Capital |
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11. The Devastating Effects of Neoliberalism on the Neocolonially Dependent Countries |
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Part III: The Reorganization of International Production Exacerbates the Crisis of the Imperialist World System |
1. The International Structural Crisis on the Basis of the Reorganization of International Production |
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2. New Phenomena in the First World Economic Crisis of the New Millennium |
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3. Interaction Between Overproduction Crisis, Stock Exchange Crisis and Bank Crisis |
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4. The Crisis of State Regulation |
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5. The International Competitive Struggle of Finance Capital Prevents Effective Measures Against the Global Environmental Crisis |
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6. The International Tendency Towards Dissolution of the Bourgeois Family System |
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7. A New Phase in the Struggle for the Redivision of the World |
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8. The Chronic Political Crisis and the Fight Against ”International Terrorism” |
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9. The Crisis of the Bourgeois and Petty-Bourgeois Theories of Globalization |
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Appendix: Bibliography |
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Index of Tables |
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Index of Charts |
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